Official MetaZoo Rules Index
MetaZoo Research & Development
Updated July 7th, 2022
Updated July 7th, 2022
The MetaZoo Rules Index is a valuable resource for Casters and MetaZoologists! Use this index in order to find official rulings about certain Pages or Interactions within the MetaZoo Game!
Questions and answers for specific card interactions have been divided by legal sets. We have also included a section for general ruling questions.
Cryptid Nation
Antimagic Field (CN 82/159)
- If I contract Antigmagic Field by flipping it face-up when an opposing Caster Contracts a Spell, does that Spell still resolve?
- Yes, that Spell would still resolve. This is because Antimagic Field prevents Spells from being Contracted, but does not stop Spells from resolving. Because the Spell that Antimagic Field was Contracted in response to has already been Contracted, it would still resolve.
Beast of Busco (CN 31/59)
- Can you use Hungry Crypto and rotate your hand while Placing the bottom of your palm on Beast of Busco?
- No you cannot, Hungry Crypto states that you must place the bottom of your palm on the top of the Page and does not state you may rotate it. In order for the entirety of your palm to remain flat on the Page, the Page will need to remain fatigued and your hand will need to remain with the bottom of your palm touching the top of Beast of Busco.
- Does the Lake Terra on Beast of Busco give it a Terra bonus?
- No, Beast of Busco would not deal Terra bonus Damage if Lake Terra is active as the damage would only pertain to attacks.
- Can you use the Hungry Crypto and band your fingers to touch other Pages?
- Yes, Beast of Busco states nothing about the placement of your fingers. Just the bottom of your palm must be touching the Page when placing your hand down.
- May I Fatigue Beast of Busco using Hungry Crypto to the left or the right?
- Yes, All Pages may be Fatigued to the left or the right 90°
- Can you move your fingers when you are using Hungry Crypto on a Beast of Busco?
- Yes you may, until you place your fingers on the target. Once you have placed a finger touching another Page you may not move it to another Page.
- May I use Beast of Busco's Hungry Crypto Power and place my hand facing the Opposing Caster instead of facing in the Direction of Beast of Busco?
- No, When you place your hand on Beast of Busco the Bottom of your palm must remain flat to the top of the Page. This will require you to place your hand in the same facing Direction of Beast of Busco when using Hungry Crypto.
Chaos Crystal (CN 31/159)
- I generate three Aura of any type as the first Action of my turn. Can I choose the type of Aura I generate as my turn continues (i.e., when Contracting the last Page of the turn)?
- No. When you generate Aura with Chaos Crystal, you must choose the Aura Type of all three Aura you generate the moment you fatigue the Chaos Crystal.
Chibi Mothman (CN 44/159)
- Is Chibi Mothman sent to the Afterlife after resolving my newly Contracted Mothman's fear trait?
- No, Traits and their effects are not considered Effects of the Page.
- Do I send Chibi Mothman to the Afterlife after resolving Crytid Nation's Promo Mothman that inflicts Scare on Beasties that enter the Arena?
- Yes, as Cryptid Nation's Promo Mothman is resolving an Effect.
Cryptid Nation (CN PROMO)
- How do I know a Page is from the MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation set?
- All Pages from the MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation set can be identified with the MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation symbol on the top left corner of a card.
Crossroads (CN 47/159)
- Do both the target Caster and I need to have at least 2 Pages in our Cemeteries or Limbos to Contract Crossroads?
- Yes. Both Casters must be able to select two Pages in order to Contract Crossroads.
Dingbelle (CN 2/12)
- Whenever a Dingbelle enters the Arena, do you have to remove the electrical 4th Wall items such as a radio from eyesight?
- Yes, while Dingbelle is in play electronical 4th Wall items will be placed out of sight.
- Whenever a Dingebelle is removed from the Arena, is a Caster's Radio brought back into eyesight?
- Yes, if Dingbelle leaves the Arena all Caster's 4th wall electronic devices will be placed back in eyesight.
- Can I place an electronic device out of eyesight and still use it to deal 50 Damage to myself?
- Yes, if your electronic device 4th wall item is placed out of sight but still used, you will take 50 Damage.
- Can I use a 4th wall electronic device multiple times during my turn to take 50 Damage multiple times?
- No, Dingbelle's effect will only trigger once per turn, once per item.
Eternal Snowflake (CN 35/159)
- May I Fatigue Eternal Snowflake to Contract Icy Path on my opponent's turn after they declare an Attack?
- Yes, Eternal Snowflake states it may be "Fatigued at any time". Generating Aura via Fatiguing Aura Pages or Pages that state "any time" to generate Aura is considered a game mechanic, and not an action. Therefore, you may generate on an opposing Caster's turn in order to Contract Icy Path in response to the opponent's Beastie declaring an Attack.
First Anniversary Celebration (CN PROMO)
- Is First Anniversary Celebration an Attack? Can it be blocked?
- No, Spell Pages cannot Attack, so First Anniversary Celebration's Birthday Bash is not considered an Attack. Instead, First Anniversary Celebration deals Effect Damage equal to the Damage Birthday Bash would deal, including modifiers. It does not gain any modifiers that would be applied to Attacks.
- Can I deal 25 Damage to a Beastie with Magiproof or is that Burrowed with First Anniversary Celebration?
- Yes. Since First Anniversary Celebration does not target, you may choose a Beastie with traits such as Magiproof or burrowed Beasties with First Anniversary Celebration.
- In a competitive event, if it is my birthday and I can prove it with a legal document can I Contract First Anniversary Celebration for no Aura?
- Yes, in a competitive event personal information such as a Caster's birthday is valid.
- Does First Anniversary Celebration remove Stoneskin before dealing Damage?
- Yes, the Effect of nullifying Traits happens before dealing Damage.
- I Contract First Anniversary Celebration and choose a burrowed Beastie for its damaging effect. Does First Anniversary Celebration unburrow a Beastie that has been burrowed on the same turn?
- No. Contracting First Anniversary Celebration Nullifies Traits for three turns, Nullifying the Burrow Trait does not unburrow a Beastie. The Beastie is still considered burrowed until the end of turn.
Flatwoods Monster (CN 13/159)
- If I play Meter Shower Terra with Flatwoods Monster in the Arena does Flatwoods gain a bonus of +200 Damage on his Attack Meteorite Blast?
- No, the Terra will only trigger the Terra Bonus on Flatwoods Monster increasing the Damage by +100 Damage.The +100 from the Attack Effect will only occur if you are within a 50 mile radius of an active meteor shower happening.
Funeral Mountain Terrashot (CN 83/159)
- If I place a Beastie with Flight into Limbo with Funeral Mountain Terrashot, does that Beastie return to the Arena with any Damage, Status Effects, and Counter it had?
- No. When a Beastie is removed from the Arena, any Effects that were on it are removed as well.
Gumberoo (CN 56/159)
- My Opponent Attacked me (the Caster) for 100 Damage and I defended with Gumberoo. Would all of the Damage be reduced to zero because of Gumberoos effect text?
- No, a Beastie can only take Damage up to its current LP after modifiers are applied (tribal boost, power up red, etc.) the remaining Damage will carry over to its initial intended target. Gumberoo will be assigned the max amount of Damage it can take equal to its current LP and reduce that amount of damage to zero.
Icy Path (CN 103/159)
- Can the new target of the attack be the Attacking Beastie?
- No, the new target of the Attack must be a legal target, and a Beastie cannot target itself with an Attack.
- Can the new target of the Attack be a Page with the Spirit trait?
- No, the new target of the Attack must be a legal target, and a Beastie with the Spirit trait cannot be the target of an Attack unless otherwise stated.
- A Caster Contracts Icy Path to change the target of the Attack to a Beast their Opponent controls. Which Caster would declare defenders?
- The opposing Caster that controls the target of the original Attack can declare any number of Defenders by Fatiguing those Pages.
- My opponent Contracts Icy Path to redirect my Attack to target a Beastie I control. Can I then Contract my own Icy Path to redirect the Attack back to my opponent's Beastie?
- No, Icy Path can only be Contracted whenever a Beastie declares an Attack, and that opportunity was only available when the opponent Contracted their Icy Path.
Loveland Frogman (CN 11/159)
- If I control 2 Loveland Frogman, do I get to Bookmark 2 extra pages at the start of my turn?
- Yes, as each Loveland Frogman is referring to themselves versus ALL Loveland Frogman in the Arena.
Metal Man of Alabama (CN 21/12)
- If I bring a Radio as one of my 4th Wall items is it always active?
- Yes, all 4th Wall items brought by both Casters are considered to be active at all times.
Piasa Bird (CN 17/159)
- Can Spells such as Fireball cost no Aura to Contract because of Piasa Bird's effect?
- Yes, as Piasa Bird's effect does not specify a minimum amount of Aura Spells can cost less of.
Sewer Alligator (CN 126/159)
- Can City Terra Pages fulfill Sewer Alligator's requirement to Contract it?
- Yes, a City Terra in the Arena would meet the requirement for Sewer Alligator.
- In a competitive event, does playing in New York City fulfill Sewer Alligator's requirement to Contract it?
- No, in a competitive event the only way to fulfill 4th Wall Effects are with 4th Wall Items from the Item List, actions during the game, and Pages in the Arena, such as Terra Pages.
Slide-Rock Bolter (CN 16/159)
- Can a stone be placed on a Slide-Rock Bolter that is already fatigued?
- No, since Slide-Rock Bolter states "to fatigue it" you must be able to complete that part of the requirement in order to place the stone.
- If my stone is removed from the opponent's Slide-Rock Bolter, do I get my stone back?
- Yes, once a 4th Wall Items is removed from the Arena or a Page it is considered to be in the control of its original Caster.
Snallygaster (CN 7/159)
- If Snallygaster deals 50 or more damage in a single turn, does Snallygaster gain +25 LP?
- Yes, Snallygaster is a Beastie Dragon and would gain +25 LP if it dealt 50 or more Damage in a single turn.
Walking Sam (CN 9/159)
- When Walking Sam's Soul Guide creates a copy of a target Beastie, does it copy bonuses that Beastie gains from other Pages or Effects?
- No, the token will copy everything originally ont he Page, but will not receive any bonuses that Beastie has from other Pages.
Abduction (NF 23/163)
- Can multiple Beasties be placed on a single Terra Page from Abduction?
- Yes. There is nothing stopping multiple Beasties from being placed on the same Terra Page from Abduction.
Absorb Aura (NF 66/163)
- If I Destroy Chaos Crystal with Absorb Aura, do I generate any Aura or Neutral Aura?
- Absorb Aura generates an Aura of the same Aura Type as the Artifact Destroyed, so it would generate Neutral Aura.
Bloody Bones (NF 123/163)
- Do I have to pay the Aura Cost and other Contract requirements to Contract a Page from the top of my Spellbook with Bloody Bones?
- Yes, you still must pay any Aura Cost and fulfill any other Contract requirements to Contract that Page.
- Can I contract a Water Aura Page on my turn with Bloody Bones' Attack effect if I have already Contracted a Water Aura Page this turn?
- No, you cannot Contract more than one Aura Page during a turn, unless otherwise stated.
- Can I contract Pages with Bloody Bones's Attack Effect on an opposing Caster's turn?
- Yes.
Borne from the Earth (NF 22/163)
- Can a Caster choose to not select a Terra if they search their Spellbook with Borne from the Earth?
- Yes, the Spellbook is private knowledge, so a Caster can choose to fail a search when looking for a specific kind of Page in their Spellbook.
Caster Center, MD (73/163)
- If I have a Beastie with 3 Poison Status Effect Indicators, how many Poison Status Effect Indicators are removed from Caster Center, MD's Booster Shot?
- Only a single Poison Status Effect Indicator is remove with Booster Shot.
- If I remove Sleep with Booster Shot, does the Beastie that was inflicted with that Status Effect Indicator Awaken?
- No. Beasties will only Awaken whenever the Sleep Indicator is removed it it is removed by an effect of the status itself. It will not Awaken anytime the Status Effect is removed.
Cosmic Warp (NF 79/163)
- Does the new Beastie I play with Cosmic Warp gain any Damage or Effects placed on the previous Beastie?
- No, the new Beastie does not gain any Damage or Effects placed on the previous Beastie.
Dampen (NF 65/163)
- Can I use Dampen to target a Spell that is still in the Resolution Chain, even though it was not the most recent Page added to the Resolution Chain?
- Yes. Dampen can target any Spell that is still in the Resolution Chain.
Dark Watchers (NF 8/163)
- If I reveal two or more Terra or Aura Pages with Spatial Curators, how many Terra/Aura Pages do I place into my Chapter?
- You may only place one of the revealed Terra or Aura Pages into your Chapter by Spatial Curators.
Dispel Evil (NF 56/163)
- Can I place an Earth Artifact into its Owner's Chapter with Dispel Evil?
- No, the target Artifact must still be Dark or Spirit.
Earth's Binding (NF 85/163)
- If I Contract Earth's Binding, does it Damage and affect Beasties with Magiproof?
- Yes, Magiproof only prevents a Page from being targeted by Spells. Pages with Magiproof can still be affected by Spells that do not target them.
Excavation (NF 86/163)
- Can I place an Aura Page into the Arena if I have already Contracted an Aura Page on my turn?
- Yes. Excavation places that Page into the Arena, rather than Contracting that Page. You can place an Aura PAge into the Arena with an Effect even if you have already Contracted an Aura Page that turn.
Exquisite Stew (NF 101/163)
- I Contract Exquisite Stew. I have exactly 50 more LP than all other Casters. Do I inflict myself with Burn (5) before I deal Damage to myself?
- No. Pages read from left to right. You first Bookmark 1 and take 50 Damage, then check to see if you have more LP than opposing casters for Burn (5). Since you now have the same as other Casters, you would not inflict yourself with Burn (5).
Feign Death (NF 65/163)
- How much Aura would Feign Death cost when using Feign Death's effect on Beasties with an X Aura Cost.
- Feign Death would cost Aura equal to the Aura Cost of the Beastie when it was Destroyed in the Arena.
Flood the Earth (NF 27/163)
- What does "The Resolution of this Effect cannot be prevented." mean?
- "The Resolution of this Effect cannot be prevented" means the effect(s) of this Page cannot be stopped from happening. Cards that would prevent this Page's Effect from resolving have no effect (i.e., Dampen, Reflection. etc.)
- Can Pages that cannot be affect by other Pages (i.e., Grafton Monster, Grim Reaper, ect.) be affected by Flood the Earth, since the Spell has "cannot be prevented"?
- No. A Page that cannot be affected by an effect is not stopping that effect from resolving. "Cannot be prevented" only considers effects that stop another Page from resolving.
- Does Flood the Earth Destroy Terra Pages?
- Yes, Terra Pages are face-up Pages in the Arena.
- If I contract Flood the Earth and select the second Effect, can I Contract Dampen before may Flood the Earth resolves?
- Yes, Flood the Earth's effect checks when you first Contract the Page to make sure it is a valid play, then again when it resolves to make sure it is still valid. When resolving, Flood the Earth recognizes you've already Contracted a Page this turn, and would have no effect because the Contract requirements cannot be met.
- If I Contract Flood the Earth and blow Loveland Frogman a kiss, am I allowed to then Contract a second Flood the Earth choosing the Board Wipe effect?
- Yes, Flood the Earth's "once per game" stipulation would affect Loveland Frogman instead of you. This would allow you to Contract a second Flood the Earth in the same game.
- If I Contract First Anniversary Celebration and then Contract Flood the Earth after, would all Beasties with Flight in the Arena be destroyed?
- No, Flood the Earth checks for Beasties that have the Flight trait. First Anniversary Celebration would nullify the effects of Flight, however, that Beastie would still retain the trait.
Graveyard's Mud (NF 87/163)
- What does it mean for a Beastie to gain a Tribe?
- When a Beastie gains a Tribe, it adds it to its existing Tribe(s); that Beastie retains its original Tribe. For example, if you were to Contract Graveyard's Mud and choose Cactus Cat as the target, Cactus Cat would be considered both a Beastie Fearsome Critter AND a Beastie Zombie.
Grim Reaper (NF 1/163)
- Can I search my Spellbook for Grim Reaper using Index?
- No. Grim Reaper states it may not be affected by other pages. You would not be able to search your Spellbook and place Grim Reaper into your Chapter with Index.
- If I Contract Smokey Spirits, Luck Potion, Unlucky Potion, or Sam's 4 Leaf Clover in response to Grim Reaper can you end his combat or modify his Die Rolls?
- The Pages would still resolve, however nothing would affect Grim Reaper as Grim Reaper cannot be affected by other Pages.
- Can I declare Defenders against Grim Reaper?
- Yes, you may declare Defenders against a Caster's declaration of an Attack with Grim Reaper.
- Will Intergalactic Space Council prevent Grim Reaper's win condition?
- No, it will not as that would be a form of "affecting" Grim Reaper.
Healdess Horseman (NF 2/163)
- Are Pages under Headless Horseman considered to be in the Arena?
- No, Pages under another card are not considered in the Arena unless otherwise stated. Pages placed face-up underneath a Page.
- When Headless Horseman is Destroyed, where do Pages under it go?
- Any Page under Headless Horseman enters its Owner's Limbo after Headless Horseman is Destroyed. If Headless Horseman is placed in the Afterlife, those Pages will be placed in their respective Afterlife.
- Can a Caster check which cards are under Headless Horseman?
- Yes, Casters may look at any Pages under another Page is in the Arena at any time.
Jersey Devil (NF PROMO)
- When Jersey Devil is Destroyed, does the Caster lose Fear Counters placed by Jersey Devil?
- No, Fear Counters are placed on the Caster and are not affected by the Page that placed them. A Caster retains all Fear Counter placed on them during a game until a Page or effect removes them.
Momo (NF 12/163)
- Does Momo's Fouth Wall trigger when the card "Jack-o-lantern" is in the arena?
- Yes, Momo's 4th Wall Effect will be active if Jack-o-Lantern is in the Arena because 4th Wall Effects can be affected by other Pages in the Arena.
Napa Rebobs (NF 45/163)
- My Napa Rebobs declares an Attack targeting the opposing Caster. When is the Damage doubled? When does Napa Rebobs double Damage against Casters apply?
- Damage from Napa Rebobs is doubled after Damaged has been allocated to a Caster.
New Beginnings (NF 9/12)
- What happens if a Caster Contracts New Beginnings when I have Pages that cannot be affected by Spells (i.e., Grim Reaper, Grafton Monster, etc.)
- Pages that cannot be affected by Spells would still be affected by New Beginnings (therefore, shuffled back into their Caster's Spellbook). This is because New Beginnings affects a Chapter rather than a specific Page.
Possession (NF 121/163)
- I Contract Possession to take control of one of my opponent's Beasties, and it was Destroyed while under my control. Does this Beastie go to my Limbo?
- No, when Pages are sent to zones such as the Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife, they will always be placed int heir owner's respective zone. The owner of a Page is the Caster that brings it to the game. The Beastie you took control of will go it its owner's Limbo when Destroyed.
- I Contract Possession on one of my opponent's Beasties that has 3 Burn Counters on it. Will it still be burned under my control?
- Yes, when a Caster takes control of another Beastie, that Beastie will retain all Damage, Status Effects, and Effects already placed on the Beastie.
Reptoid Ruler (NF 1/12)
- A Beastie Alien I control already has Tribal Boost. Does Reptoid Ruler's Power stack with the Tribal Boost that Beastie Alien has?
- No, as Tribal Boost does not stack.
River of Time (NF 28/163)
- My friend and I are playing a casual game on vacation near the Mississippi River. Can I contract River of Time for 1 Water Aura?
- Yes, during a casual game your surroundings can influence the battlefield, and if you are within 5 miles of a real life Terra it is considered active!
Sinister Shadows (NF 47/163)
- I have already Contracted Sinister Shadows once this game, placing 4 tokens named Ludwig into the Arena. If I target a non-Token Beastie named Ludwig with another Sinister Shadows will it count all the tokens named Ludwig as well?
- Yes, Sinister Shadows only says the target must be a non-token Beastie. It would create tokens equal to all Beasties in the Arena with the same name as the targeted Beastie including tokens.
Smokey Spirits (NF 51/163)
- My opponent declares an Attack and I Contract Smokey Spirits immediately after. Does any Damage get dealt?
- No, Smokey Spirits will end combat without finishing the remaining steps. Any Beastie that declared an Attack does not Attack and remains fatigued.
- If an opponent declares an Attack against a Beastie I control with a face-down Trap Page under it, and I Contract a Smokey Spirit, does my Trap Page flip-up?
- Yes, due to the way Combat works. After a Beastie has declared an attack against a Beastie, Trap Pages under that Beastie must automatically flip up. Afterwards, the Caster controlling that Attacked Beastie has priority to Contract a Smokey Spirits.
- Can I use the Effect(s) of Smokey Spirits using a Copy Cup that was flipped-as a face-down Trap Page?
- Yes, since as long as Combat as been declared Smokey Spirits can end Combat. Smokey Spirits' initial Contract condition allows it to be Contracted after an opposing Beastie has declared attack, but does not mention it must ONLY be Contracted after an opposing Beastie as declared an attack.
The Red Ghost (NF 17/163)
- When I Contract The Red Ghost and put target Spirit Beastie into play, do I need to pay the Aura of the Target Beastie?
- No, The Red Ghost's CONTRACT Effect says to place that Beastie into play, ignoring any Contract costs or requirements.
Thunderbird (NF 15/163)
- Will Thunderbird's ARENA Effect check for Lightning Aura Spells I've Contracted before I Contracted Thunderbird?
- Yes. For example, if you Contracted Lightning Bolt and then Contracted Thunderbird, the Arena effect will still trigger as you have Contracted a Lightning Spell on your turn.
Unlucky Potion (NF 122/163)
- If an Unlucky Potion I Contracted resolves when a Loveland Frogman uses its Power, which Status Effects does Unlucky Potion affect?
- Because multiple Status Effects are being inflicted, the Caster who Contracted Unlucky Potion chooses which one Status Effect becomes affected by Unlucky Potion
- How does Unlucky Potion interact with Pages like Morpheus or Loveland Frogman, which say their Effects are automatically considered heads unless an effect would say otherwise?
- Con Flips and Die Rolls that are influenced by Effects take the most recent change that has affected them. So if an Unlucky Potion is Contracted in response to a Morpheus and no other Effects resolve, Unlucky Potion may change the coin flip Morpheus.
Water Baby (NF 126/163)
- If I Contracted an Ocean Terra Page in the Terra Slots that is still in play, do I Bookmark 1 when Water Baby is Destroyed?
- Yes, you would Bookmark 1 because once Contracted Terra Pages are not controlled by a Caster.
- If Water Baby's Aura Type is changed into Flame with Chaos Potion, does Water Baby's DESTROYED effect still resolve?
- No, as Water Baby is a Flame Page when it is in the Arena and is Destroyed, and is also when it will check for any non-Water Pages.
Wood Devil of Coos County (NF 13/163)
- Is damage distributed by Wood Devil of Coos County's attack effect considered combat damage or effect damage?
- Combat damage.
- Is damage distributed by Wood Devil of Coos County's attack effect to Jersey Devil reduced to 0?
- Yes, as the attack effect of Wood Devil of Coos County modified how attack damage is dealt. Because the damage from Wood Devil of Coos County's attack damage from an attack, it would be reduced to 0.
- Is damage distributed by Wood Devil of Coos County's attack effect to Wallowa Lake Crustacean halved?
- Yes, because Wood Devil of Coos County's attack Damage is occurring during Combat. Therefore, it would be considered "Combat Damage"
- Is damage distributed by Wood Devil of Coos County's attack effect still considered "dealing" damage?
- Yes, as allocating/distributing damage is considered "dealing" damage.
Zombie Apocalypse (NF 48/163)
- What does it mean to replace a card?
- When a Page states to replace a Page with something else, you will swap whatever the target is for whatever was stated to take its place. You may not choose a new position in the Arena for this new Page and it will enter Fatigued unless stated otherwise.
Chibi Playground (WN 111/165)
- If I am targeted by an attack with 50 Attack Damage, I have Chibi Playground active, and I declare a Chibi with 30 Life Points as a defender, would all of the Damage be prevented?
- Any Damage allocated to the Chibi will be prevented. If the Caster who declared the Attack only allocates 30 Attack Damage to the Chibi, the remaining Damage may be allocated to the original target of the Attack and will not be prevented.
Hateful Demise (WN 26/165)
- Can I run Hateful Demise in my Spellbook and Death Beam in my Archive?
- Yes, Having Hateful Demise in the Spellbook and Death Beam in the Archive is not the same thing as having Hateful Demise and Death Beam in a Spellbook.
Phantom Car (WN 111/165)
- Can multiple Phantom Car's use "Get Away" during combat?
- Yes. As long as you have priority to use an anytime effect, you may use "Get Away" each time priority is passed to you.
Devoid Potion (UFO 1/165)
- Will devoid Potion prevent you from being able to use Gaasyendietha's Effect Text?
- No, Gaasyendietha will still allow you to begin the Action of Contracting a Spell from your Cemetery. Once you begin performing the Action of Contracting the Spell, it will then change its Aura Type which will not end the Action.
Flatwoods Monster (UFO 1/165)
- Will Flatwoods Contract Effect last until the Beastie leaves the Arena?
- Yes, it will last until Flatwoods Monster leaves the Arena or you reach the start of your next turn. The Effect will check for either trigger to end, whichever will come first.
Hat Man (UFO 8/165)
- When I use Hat Man's Power "Tip The Man", do I place the status effect indicators back on the Beastie aft the end of turn?
- Yes. If the Power would remove [Burn] (1), at the end of the turn, you would place [Burn] (1) back on the Beastie it was removed from and continue normal gameplay.
Infinite Power (UFO 27/165)
- If I Fatigue Infinite Power to Destroy it, and change all non-Aura and non-Terra Pages in the Arena or while being Contracted to Special Aura Type, do I have to pay Special Aura to Contract a Page?
- No. Changing the Aura Type of the Page will not Change the aura Cost of the Page while being Contracted.
Magic Engineer's Oil (UFO 39/165)
- May I Awaken an Artifact multiple times in one turn by using Magic Engineer's Oil on the same Artifact more than once per turn?
- No. Magic Engineer's Oil states that the Page cannot Awaken until the end of your next turn and this effect cannot be bypassed by a second Magic Engineer's Oil.
Mike The Headless Chicken (UFO 121/165)
- As the First action of my turn after Awakening Pages, do I have to declare an attack with Mike The Headless Chiken?
- Yes. If Mike The Headless Chicken is Awakened and able to declare Attacks, you must do so immediately after being able to.
Mysterious Disappearance (UFO 118/165)
- If an opposing Caster Contracts this Page and Targets one of my Beasties, may I place the Beastie back into the Arena before my turn?
- Yes. If you would gain Priority again after the opposing Caster Contracts this Page, still on their turn, you may place a Beastie from your Chapter with the same name, Aura Cost, and Traits into the Arena Fatigued.
The Green Fireballs (UFO 75/165)
- If I control The Green Fireballs and the opposing Caster is inflicted with [Burn], can I use Caster Center, MD's Power "Booster Shot" to remove a [Burn] Indicator and proc The Green Fireballs ARENA: effect?
- Yes. Removing a [Burn] Indicator through Page effects will still proc The Green Fireballs ARENA: effect.
General Rules
Burrow (Trait)
- Can you target burrowed Beasties with Potions?
- Yes.
Defender (Trait)
- If I Contract First Anniversary Celebrations and it Nullifies Defender on a Beastie will that Beasties LP return to the printed Maximum?
- Yes.
- Are errata considered to be attached to all reprints/copies of a Page?
- Yes. If a Page has known errata in any reprinted version, all versions of that Page will be considered to have that errata.
Frozen (Status Effect)
- If a Beastie is inflicted with Frozen during Combar, does that Beastie still resolve its attack?
- Yes. The Frozen Status Effect does not prevent a Beastie from resolving its Attacks, only from Awakening.
Paralyze (Status Effect)
- If a Beastie has already declared an Attack, but has been successfully inflicted with the Paralyze Status Effect after it has already declared an Attack, does combat still occur?
- Yes, Combat still occurs. Paralyze only stops Beasties from declaring attacks and makes their Attacks' lose their effect deal 0 Damage. Therefore, combat continues, and the Paralyzed Beastie would deal no damage during Combat.
- What happens when a Beastie Token Page is inflicted with Fear and the coin flip for Fear is heads?
- Whenever a token leaves the Arena for any reason, it is removed from the game.
Trap (Trait)
- If I Contract a Page with the Trap Trait face-down, can I choose to Contract that Page face-up later?
- No. A face-down Page with the Trap Trait can only be Contracted when that Page is targeted by an Attack or has an Effect that can allow it to be flipped-up.
Set Specific Mechanics
- If I contract a Cryptid Nation Spellbook Promo, may I then Contract Gumberoo with a Nightfall set symbol without paying its Aura Cost?
- Yes. A Page is considered from all sets that it has been printed/re-printed within. Because Gumberoo is printed witha Nightfall, Wilderness, and Cryptid Nation set symbol, you may use any version of Gumberoo with any specific mechanic for those three sets. Nightfall, Wilderness, and Cryptid Nation Spellbook promos are examples of "Set specific mechanics".
- What is the top and bottom of a Page?
- A Pages top will always be the side of the Page with its name, and the bottom will always be the side of the Page below the Effect text box. This will remain the same when a Page is Fatigued or not.