MetaZoo Rulebook 2023
The Only Collectible Card Game Where Your Surroundings Matter!
How To Use This Rulebook
Welcome to the world of MetaZoo! This rulebook explains how to play the MetaZoo TCG and covers advanced topics you'll want to learn to become a Master Caster.
If you're a new player: Start by learning the Basic MetaZoo Language. Then, continue reading from Page Layout until the Advanced Rules. We recommend scanning the QR code below to view the quickstart guide and other YouTube content.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have by joining the official MetaZoo Discord at
If you're a returning player: New contents in the rulebook have also been added, such as Special Terra and Simultaneous Effects.
The MetaZoologists (judges), play testers, and staff, as well as us here at IHC Cards hope you find learning MetaZoo accessible, and we thank you for playing!
Basic MetaZoo Language
Caster: Player
Page: Card
Spellbook: Deck of Pages
Chapter: The Pages in your hand
Bookmark: Drawing a Page from the top of your Spellbook
Battleground: The entirety of the playing area
Arena: The area into which Pages are played and used
Contract: Playing a Page into the Arena
Aura: The resource used to pay the cost of Pages
Fatigue: Turn a Page sideways 90 degrees to the left or right

Type Advantage Numbers: To further clarify type advantage, a red "+20" has been added to the bottom left of the "strong against" area of Pages to determine the amount of bonus Damage dealt.
Priority Windows During Combat: To further explain when Caster can use "any time" Effects during Combat, the priority windows have been listed.
Page Layout
Spellbook Limit: "# Per Spellbook" refers to the total number of copies of the Page you can have between the copies in your Spellbook and Archive. A Page that shares the name with another Page may be included in the same Spellbook if the two Pages are mechanically unique from each other. |
Page Types
Aura Page: Aura Pages can be Fatigued to generate Aura of that specific type or through a written Effect on the Page. That Aura is then used to Contract Pages. You can play any number of Basic Aura Pages in your Spellbook, but Special Aura Pages have their own Spellbook Limit. Aura Pages that are Destroyed are placed into their Owner's Afterlife.
- Basic Aura Page: A Page that may be fatigued to generate 1 Aura of the Aura Type it is.
- Special Aura Page: A type of Aura Page that holds special Attributes compared to other Aura Pages. Generally, the attributes are explained through the written Effects of the Page.
Beasties: Every time you spend Aura to Contract a Beastie, you Contract a companion into the Arena that does your bidding. Destroyed Beasties go into the owner's Limbo (unless otherwise stated).
Spells: Contracting a Spell results in the Spell Page being placed into the Cemetery immediately after it is resolved (unless otherwise stated).
Potions: Costing 0 Aura to Contract, these single-use Pages have a similar function to Spells. Potions are placed into the Cemetery immediately after they are resolved.
Artifacts: Artifacts have LP and can be Attacked. Some have Traits, Abilities, and/or Powers. Artifacts are placed into the Limbo immediately after they are Destroyed.
Terra: Terra allows you to define 4th Wall features in the Arena when they lack in your surroundings. Destroyed Terra Pages go to the Afterlife.
Tokens are an item that represents a Page in the Arena. Tokens may be represented by items such as standard size playing cards, a WPT playing card, or Token Pages given in MetaZoo products. Tokens are considered Pages fro the purposes of targeting with Effects, however they cannot be added to a Spellbook or Archive unless otherwise specified by an Effect. If a Token does not have a name specified by the Effect that generates it, it has no name.Tokens are created outside of the Arena and then enter under the control of the Caster whose effect generated the Token unless otherwise specified or replaced. Any static Effects on a token are applied before the token enters the Arena. When a token leave the Arena, it enters its destined zone and is then immediately removed from the game after entering the zone. Tokens do not have an Aura Cost or set symbol.
Creating a Token Copy of Beasties or Artifacts: To create a token with the same printed information as the targeted Beastie or Artifact. Any Damage, Gains/Losses, inflicted with Status Effect Indicators, Set Symbols, or Pages equipped to it will not be copied.
Creating a Copy of Spells or Potions: To copy a Spell or Potion is to copy the same printed information as the targeted Spell or Potion and to have those Effects and information resolve as if you were contracting a normal Spell Page or Potion Page. These copies will not be considered token Pages but will be considered Pages for targeting purposes.
4th wall Tokens: Some Tokens may be represented by a claimed 4th Wall Item. These tokens must be distinguishable from all other tokens in the Arena, must be a stand alone Page in the Arena, and cannot represent multiple tokens with die placed on top.
Aura Types
Strong against (+20 Damage) |
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Water: Fluid Beasties who are masters of Bookmarking Pages. |
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Flame: A high risk, high reward Aura Type known for burning Casters. |
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Forest: Wild Beasties who grow stronger when swarming the Arena. | ![]() |
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Frost: A controlling Aura Type who freezes all enemies in its path. | ![]() |
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Lightning: Quick Beasties that emphasize speed and paralysis. | ![]() |
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Earth: Rock-solid Beasties that win with tenacity and earth-shaking Spells. | ![]() |
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Cosmic: Alien Beasties that focus on combos and creative interactions. | ![]() |
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Dark: Bloodthirsty and demonic Beasties who grow stronger in the night. |
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Light: The purist Aura Type that specializes in countering Dark and Spirit. | ![]() |
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Spirit: Forsaken Spirits who exploit their enemies with disruptive Spells. | ![]() |
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Neutral: A mixed Aura Type that infuses elements from all other Auras. Any Aura can be used to pay a Neutral Aura's Cost, making Neutral the most versatile Aura Type. | N/A |
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Special Aura: Sometimes, some Aura Pages take on the characteristics of multiple Aura determined by certain conditions. These Pages belong to no other Aura Type. | N/A |
Determining a Page's Aura Type(s)
- The Base Aura Type(s) of a Page is what the Aura Type(s) that Page belongs to without other Effects or Modifiers.
- If a Page only has a Neutral Aura Cost (of 0 or more), that Page's Base Aura Type is Neutral.
- If a Page has a Neutral Aura Cost with another non-Neutral Aura Cost (i.e., Flame, Water, etc.), that Page's Base Aura Type is its non-Neutral Aura Cost.
- If a Page has a Neutral Aura Cost and a non-Neutral Aura Cost (i.e., Flame, Water, etc.), that Page is not considered a Dual Aura Page.
- Dual Aura Pages are considered to have 2 Base Aura Types.
- If a Page has more than 1 non-Neutral Aura Cost, that Page belongs to all Aura Types with its Aura Costs (i.e., if a Page's Aura Cost is 1 Spirit and 1 Dark, that Page is considered a Spirit and Dark Beastie).
- Aura Costs of Pages cannot be changed unless the Effect affecting the Page directly references the Aura Cost of the Page itself.
- Changing the Base Aura Type of a Page will not change the overall Aura Cost of the Page
- Adding an Aura Cost to a Page will not Change the Base Aura Type of a Page.
- Aura Types of Dual Aura Pages will still fulfill Effects that check for a single Aura Type (i.e., Flood the Earth would not Destroy a Beastie that is Water/Dark Beastie)
Type Advantages
Aura Wheel

Terra Bonuses
Terra Bonuses give you boosts when you are within or nearby a certain place or object in real life. Unless otherwise specified by a Page, "nearby" means within 5 miles or within eyesight.
Below are the current Terra Bonuses that must be considered when playing. Each Terra Bonus symbol has a specific Terra it belongs to.
Special Terra
Special Terra Pages contain Effects that can influence the game for all Casters. Special Terra Pages act as Basic Terra Pages, providing the Terra Bonuses listed on the top right of the Page. The Effect text box of Special Terra Pages explains any Effects that the Special Terra Pages provide. These Effects can stack if there are multiple Special Terra Pages in the Arena, unless stated otherwise.

Terra Pages and Rotation
Terra Pages activate Terra Bonuses and 4th Wall Effects when you cannot satisfy a Page's requirements with your physical surroundings. For example, if you're playing in a desert while playing a Page with a River Terra Bonus, you may Contract a River Terra Page to gain the Terra Bonus.
The way Terra Rotation works is as follows:
- There are 6 Terra slots in the Arena, and they are occupied on a first-come basis starting with slot 1 through slot 6.
- When a 7th Terra is Contracted into the Arena, it replaced the Terra in slot 1, and so on.
There's no maximum number of Terra you can Contract into the Arena, and you can Contract as many copies of the same Terra as you would like. Although Terra Bonuses do not stack, the Effects of Special Terra will stack unless stated otherwise. When Terra is removed from its slot in the Arena, it's placed into the Afterlife.
- Terra that has been Contracted into the Arena activates Terra Bonuses for all Casters in the game.
- When a Terra Page is Destroyed for any reason, the Terra Page leaves the Terra slot it is in. No other Terra Pages are moved after the removal. The next Terra Page Contracted would enter that next available slot.
- Most Terra Pages in MetaZoo are considered "Basic" Terra Pages, as they solely provide the Terra Bonus listed on the name and top right symbol of the Page.
- Non-Terra Pages cannot occupy or share a Terra slot unless a Page Effect says otherwise.
4th Wall Effects

The Battleground
The Battleground is the entire space in which a game occurs.
Pages must remain where they are played. You may not move any Pages in the Arena unless a rule or Page Effect specifically allows it.
Spellbook: Your Spellbook is the collection of Pages built before a game begins. All Pages in your Spellbook must remain face down unless otherwise stated, and you may not look at Pages in your Spellbook unless directed to by the Effect of a Page.
Chapter: Your Chapter is the collection of Pages you have Bookmarked from your Spellbook. Don't show this to your opponent unless directed to by a Page.
Arena: The Arena is the area between Caster's Spellbook and their Limbos where Pages are placed when Played. Both Players share the Arena, and all Pages placed into the Arena enter Fatigued, other than Aura and Terra, which enter the Arena Awakened.
Terra Slots: Terra Pages are Contracted into the part of the Arena. Casters share the Terra slots and are limited to 6 between all Casters.
Limbo: When a Beastie or Artifact is Destroyed, it's placed in its owner's Limbo.
Cemetery: When a Spell or Potion is Contracted, resolve its Effects and place it into its owner's Cemetery. Occasionally, Effects may place other Pages into their owner's respective Cemetery.
Afterlife: When an Aura or Terra is Destroyed, it's played in its owner's Afterlife. Pages can be placed in the Afterlife under special conditions.
Playing MetaZoo
Win Condition
To win the game, reduce the Life Points of all of the opposing casters from 1,000 to 0 before they can reduce your Life Points to 0. There are Pages with Effects that have additional win or loss conditions, but these can be challenging to pull off.
- All Casters set their Life Points to 1,000. Life Points may be tracked with calculators, pen and paper, etc.
- To determine which Caster goes first, have the opponent predict the outcome of a coin flip or die roll. If they successfully predict the result, they can choose if they would life to go first or not. If they're incorrect in their prediction, the choice of first-to-act falls to you.
- Each Caster shuffles their Spellbook and Bookmarks 7 Pages from its top.
- Mulligan (optional) as outlined below.
- The Caster taking the first turn starts the game.
Each Caster can Mulligan as many times as they would like, but at a cost. Choosing to Mulligan can improve a Caster's starting hand or replace a bad one.
- Take the Pages in your Chapter and place them into your Spellbook.
- Shuffle your Spellbook.
- Bookmark N-1 Pages from your Spellbook, where N is the number of Pages you Bookmarked previously.
Turn Steps
- Start of Turn (in order)
- Any Effects that state that they happen at the "start" of your turn happen right now before Bookmarking.
- The active Caster gains Priority, followed by the opposing Caster. (See the Priority section)
- Bookmark a Page from the top of your Spellbook and add it to your Chapter.
- Awaken any Fatigued Pages under your control in the Arena unless otherwise stated.
- Any Aura not generated from start of turn effects dissolves.
- Take Actions (in any order)
- Contract an Aura Page into the Arena: Once per turn, you may Contract an Aura Page from your Chapter into the Arena Awakened. Most Aura Pages have no cost.
- Contract a Terra Page into the Arena: As many times as you'd like during your turn, you may place a Terra Page from your Chapter into an available Terra slot in the Arena.
- Contract a Beastie, Artifact, Spell, or Potion Page: As many times as you'd like during your turn, you may use generated Aura to pay the cost of a Page in your Chapter an Contract it. Beasties or Artifacts are placed into the Arena when Contracted, while Contracted Spells and Potions are placed into the Cemetery once their Effects are resolved.
- Place a Trap Page face-down into the Arena: As many times as you'd like during your turn, you may place a Page with the Trap Trait face-down into the Arena. More information on Trap Pages can be found in the Trap Page section.
- Move a face-down Trap Page: As many times as you'd like during your turn but only once per Trap Page, you may move a face-down Trap Page (that's not under another Page) to under a Beastie or Artifact that you control in the Arena that does not have a face-down Trap Page underneath it already.
- Use Powers: As many times as you'd like during your turn, you may Fatigue a Beastie or Artifact to use a Power on that Page. A Beastie must be Awakened to use a Power, even if that Power does not Fatigue the Beastie when it is activated.
- Declare an Attack and resolve Combat: As many times as you'd like during your turn, you may Fatigue a Beastie in the Arena and declare that it's Attacking. Please see the section on "Combat" for more information on how Combat is resolved.
- End of Turn (in order)
- The active Caster gains Priority, followed by the opposing Caster. (See the Priority section.)
- Any Effects that state that they happen at the "end" of your turn happen right now.
- Any unspent Aura dissolves.
- Play passes to the opposing Caster.
Advanced Rules
Generating Aura
Aura Pages are the most important Pages in MetaZoo, as they generate one Aura of their Aura Type. To generate an Aura, simple Fatigue an Awakened Aura Page by rotating it horizontally (90 degrees). For example, a single Flame Aura Page would generate one Flame Aura. Aura differs from Aura Pages: "Aura" is the resource (i.e., currency) used to Contract Pages and dissolves at the end of each turn. Aura Pages remain in the Arena (unless removed by another Page), generate Aura, and are controlled by Casters. Aura Pages may be Fatigued on any Caster's turn to generate Aura. Generating Aura from any page is not considered as taking an Action. Aura Pages fatigued by an effect do not generate Aura.
How to Contract a Page
The following explains in detail what happens when a Page is Contracted:
- Select a Page to Contract: From their Chapter, a Caster chooses a Page to Contract and reveals it to opposing Casters.
- If the Page was a Spell or Potion that targets another PAge, that Caster must select any target(s) for its Effects. Spells an Potions that require a target may only be Contracted if a valid target is present.
- Pay the Page's Aura Cost: The Page's Aura Cost is paid via generated Aura. Aura must have been generated before Contracting a Page by fatiguing Aura Pages, Artifacts, etc.
- The Contracted Page Resolves:
- If the Page was a Beastie or Artifact, it resolves any CONTRACT Effects. Then, it enters the Arena Fatigued. Any CONTRACT Effects that happen simultaneously have their resolution order chosen by the active Caster
Actions vs. Game Mechanics
Actions: Choices made by a Caster such as Contracting a Page, using an Effect or Power, declaring an Attack, or moving a Trap Page. After a Caster takes an Action, priority to take an Action is given to the opposing Caster (if there are multiple opposing Casters, priority is passed clockwise from the Caster that took the Action). Choosing to take no Action will end Priority and begin the resolution of any effects in a chain.
Game Mechanics: Any Response that occurs Automatically without active decision making of a Caster, and include (but are not limited to) the following: Bookmarking, Awakening Pages, resolving an Attack's Effects/Damage, resolving a Page's Contract, Fatiguing a Page. Game Mechanics are NOT considered actions, and therefore do not pass priority to a Caster.
Fatiguing a Page to generate Aura is NOT considered taking an Action and can occur before or after any Action or game mechanic. This mean an "any time" Effect cannot be Contracted nor used when an individual Aura Page is Fatigued to generate Aura. This clause also includes Artifacts that generate Aura (i.e., Chaos Crystal) or Traits such as Convert. Note: Convert CANNOT be used on an opposing Caster's turn, as it does not have the "any time" clause. |
Ownership vs. Control of a Page
The owner of a Page is the Caster who brought it to the game, while the controller of a Page is the Caster who currently has control of the Page. Some Page Effects can switch control of a Page, but never the ownership. If a Page would be placed into a specific zone, Casters always place that Page into its owner's respective zone. When a Page says "you" or "yours", it is referring to the controller of that Page. If said Page is not controlled by anyone, then "you" or "yours" is referring to the owner.
Gaining/Losing Control: You gain control of a Page the moment a Page has been Contracted from your Chapter. If an Effect would allow you to take control of another Page, you control that Page until the Effect would end or the Page enters another zone other than the Arena. When a Page enters any other zone than the Arena, all control of the Page stops and no Caster is considered to control that Page. Equipment and Terra follow a separate rule set for control, please see Equipment and Terra.
Determining Control: If a Page would enter the Arena and the Effect would have it enter the Arena does not specify a controller, the controller of the Page is considered to be the owner of the Page. If a Page Effect would create a Token Page and the control is not specified for the Token, the control of the Token is the Controller of the Page/Effect that made the Token unless a Page is being replaced.
Priority is a Caster's ability to take an Action in response to an opposing Caster's Action.
- Casters can only Contract Pages or use Effects with "any time" whenever they have priority.
- At the start of each turn (before the active Casters Bookmarks), the active Caster gains priority. Then, after the active Caster chooses to take an Action or not, priority will be given to the opposing Caster before moving to the next step.
- At the end of each turn (before resolving end of turn Effects such as Regen), the active Caster gains priority. Then, after the active Caster chooses to take an Action or not, priority will be given to the opposing Caster before moving to the next step.
- Anytime a Caster takes an Action, priority is passes to the opposing Caster.
Keywords/Static Effects
Some keywords will appear on Pages to specify when Effects resolve.
- CONTRACT: Effects that resolve after a Page in Contracted.
- FLIPPED: Effects that resolve after a Page is flipped face-up and Contracted.
- ARENA: Persistent Effects that apply while this Page is face-up in the Arena.
- DESTROYED: Effects that resolve when Page is Destroyed.
- ENTER: Effects that resolve when a Page enters the Arena. (A Page being Contracted into the Arena is still considered to have entered the Arena unless the Page is a Spell or Potion).
- Static Effects: Page Effects that are considered "rules" of the Page and are constantly applied/checking once a game has begin. They only become active while the Page is known information (Example: Searching your Spellbook, while in Chapter, whine in a public zone, etc.) Some of these Static Effects will only function while in the Arena. Static Effects will not be denoted by a keyword and will rather be at the top of the Effect text box. Sometimes these effects will be bolded or italicized.
- Spellbook Restrictions: A type of Static Effect that is applied outside of the game while construction your Spellbook and at all times during the game. These effects will include a clause similar to "You may not include this Page in a Spellbook-", "[Page Name] may not be included in a Spellbook with-", or any other effects written similarly.
Rolling A Die
When rolling a die, whether to inflict a Status Effect, resolve a Page Effect, or determine which Casters goes first in a match, a Caster should always use a six-sided die (D6). A six-sided die may also be used in place of a coin flip. The even numbers will be considered "heads", and the odd numbers will be considered "tails". In order for the die roll to be considered acceptable, it must be rolled at least 6 inches above the table and rotate in the air at least two times.
Resolution Chains
In MetaZoo, Pages that have Effects that can be activated at "any time" (like Chupacabra) or Pages that can be played on your opponent's turn (like Reflection) can lead to a chain of Pages that are played in response to one another. The order of resolution would be that the last Page resolved first (Pages resolve in a first in, last out order.) In the example below, Player 1 Targets the opposing Killer Clown with 25 LP remaining with a Fireball.
Actions happen in the following order:
- Player 1 Contracts Fireball targeting Killer Clown (priority passes to Player 2).
- Player 2 Contracts Reflection targeting Fireball (priority passes to Player 1).
- Player 1 Contracts Dampen targeting Reflection (priority passes to Player 2).
- Player 2 uses Chupacabra's Effect text and chooses Killer Clown as a target (priority passes to Player 1).
- Player 1 chooses not to take another action, so Pages and Effects in the Resolution Chain begin to resolve.
How it's resolved:
- Chupacabra's Effect recovers Killer Clown's LP to 40
- Dampen stops Reflection from resolving
- Fireball deals 25 Damage and inflicts burn to Killer Clown
- After all Effects resolve, Killer Clown is dealt 25 Damage and is inflicted with Burn.
Simultaneous Effects
Occasionally there will be instances where Effects will resolve simultaneously (i.e., the Regen Trait and the Poison Status Effect occurring at the end of the turn). When simultaneous Effects happen, the active Caster will choose the order in which they resolve. If applicable, non-active Casters clockwise from the active Caster would then resolve simultaneous Effects after the active Caster. When a Spell would Inflict Damage and a Status Effect simultaneously the Caster who Contracted the Spell may choose the order in which the Damage or the Status Effect indicator is applied.
There will sometimes be instances where multiple targets will be inflicted with a Status Effect (i.e., Phoenix Rain). When this occurs, a coin flip or die roll will be done to resolve the status infliction. For example: if multiple Beasties are simultaneously inflicted with Burn from the same Effect, a single die roll would determine the number of Burn Indicators inflicted on those Beasties. |
Targeting Defined
Some Effects may say to "target" an entity, such as a Page or Caster. Targeting refers to what specific entities can received the Effects of a Page. Effects will generally specify what Pages can be targeted by an Effect. In general, Effects that deal Damage or inflicts Status Effects cannot target Terra or Aura Pages, as both Pages have no Life Points.
Sometimes, Effects do not specifically target Pages (e.g. Flood the Earth or Earth's Binding). In these instances, Traits or Effects that prevent targeting would NOT apply. For example, the Trait Magiproof would not prevent a Page from being affected by Earth's Binding.
LP Loss vs LP Gain
Life Point (LP) Loss is an Effect that acts the same as Damage (injuries received on a Page or Caster). However, LP Loss is NOT the same as a Beastie receiving Damage. LP Loss would not activate Effects based on a Beastied receiving Damage. LP Loss does NOT reduce the maximum LP of a Beastie.
Life Point (LP) Gain refers to a Beastie's maximum Life Points increasing. When a Beastie gains LP, it still keeps any Damage or LP Loss it currently has.
Shuffling After Searching Your Spellbook
If any Page Effects require you to search your Spellbook for a specific Page, you must reveal that Page and reshuffle your Spellbook immediately afterward, unless the effect specifies when to or when not to shuffle your Spellbook.
Combat begins whenever an Attack is declared by Fatiguing a Beastie. During Combat, no Caster will have priority except when specified below. The steps of Combat are as follows (in order):
- The Beastie's controlling Caster (you) Fatigues the Page and declares you are Attacking
- The controlling Caster then selects an Attack on the Page to be used in Combat.
- A target is then selected for the chosen Attack.
- Caster
- Beastie
- Trap Page (that's not under a Page in the Arena)
- Artifact
- Equipment (only if it specifies it can be Attacked)
- Face up Pages that do not have LP cannot be a legal target of an Attack.
Immediately after an Attack has been declared, the Caster who is being targeted for an Attack or whos Page is being targeted for an Attack gains priority. They may Contract or use an "any time" Effect unless the target of the Attack is a Page with a face-down Trap Page under it or is a Trap Page not under a Page.
If the target is a Page with a face-down Trap Page under it or a Trap Page that's not under a Page, flip the Trap Page face-up and choose to Contract the Page or not. (Traps can also flip at any point during Combat due to their own Page Effects.) If the Trap Page is Contracted it will enter the resolution chain, pass priority, and resolve as a normal Page after no action is taken in response. If the Trap Page is a Beastie or Artifact Page that Page will enter the Arena as a defender in that Combat after resolving. (This does not prevent that Caster from declaring further defenders)
If that Caster Chooses not to Contract the Trap flipped by the declaration of an Attack, place that Trap Page in the Afterlife and that Caster retains priority to use an "any time" Effect.
4. The Opposing Caster that Controls the target of the original Attack can declare any number of Defenders by Fatiguing those Pages. The original target of the Attack may not be declared as a Defender this way. Then, select only one Attack on one of the Defenders to use (if any are available), and that Defender becomes the primary Defender of the original Attack.
- Only Beasties that are not already Fatigued may be declared as Defenders. Artifacts and Casters may not be declared as Defenders.
- The Defender from which the Attack was selected becomes the primary Defender.
- If the opposing Caster does not declare any Defenders, the original target of the Attack automatically becomes the primary Defender, and an Attack on the original target must be declared for use. This does not cause the primary Defender to Fatigue.
- The Primary Defender is the only Defender in Combat that can use an Attack against a Beastie that declared an attack.
Immediately after any defenders have been declared, the Caster who has declared an Attack has priority to Contract or use an "any time" Effect.
5. Check for which Beastie Attacks First (in order):
- If neither the Attacker nor the primary Defender have the First-Strike Trait, the Attacker resolves their Attack first.
- If the Attacker has the First-Strike Trait and the primary Defender does not, the Attacker resolves their Attack first.
- If the Attacker does not have the First-Strike Trait and the primary Defender does have the First-Strike Trait, the Defender resolves their Attack first.
- If both the Attacker and the primary Defender have the First-Strike Trait, the Attacker flips a coin. If heads, the Attacker resolves their Attack first. If tails, the Defender resolves their Attack first.
6. Resolve the Attack(s) (in order):
- The Beastie that will resolve its Attack first resolves their chosen Attack (see "Resolving a chosen Attack" below)
- If there are no Defending Pages/primary Defender left in the Arena, Combat ends (do not proceed to the next step).
- If the Beastie that declared the Attack is no longer in the Arena, Combat ends (do not proceed to the next step).
- If the Beastie that will resolve its Attack second resolves their chosen Attack (see "Resolving a chosen Attack" below)
Resolving a chosen Attack (in order):
- Activate any Effects of the Attack. This includes the Effect of the Attack and icons next to the Attack.
- Apply the Damage modifiers of the Type Advantage and Aura Attack Advantage to the amount of Damage.
- Apply the Damage modifiers of Terra Bonuses to the amount of Damage.
- Apply the Damage modifiers from other Page Effects.
- Allocate the modified Damage to the Defender(s). A Page may have Damage allocated to it greater than its current LP, but can only have its current LP reduced to 0. Any Page that has its LP reduced to 0 is immediately Destroyed.
- If there are multiple opposing Defending Pages in the Combat, the controller of the Attack must allocate the Damage (in multiples of 5) between the Defending Pages however they wish. At least 5 Damage must be allocated to each Defender if possible.
- If you have allocated Damage to all Defenders at least equal to their current LP, all remaining Damage may be allocated to the original target.
- Deal the Allocated Damage to the Defender(s).
- Any "DESTROYED" effects resolve.
7. End combat.
Tribal Boost
Some Beasties will have a red bar denoting they have "Tribal Boost." Tribal Boost is a static buff that is part of a Beastie's Effect text box. While a Beastie with Tribal Boost is in the Arena, that Beastie has an additional +10 Life Points and deals +10 Damage on their Attacks for each other Beastie with the same Tribe in the Arena. For example, if an Arena had a total of three Beastie Fearsome Critters controlled by all Casters, a Beastie Fearsome Critter with Tribal Boost would have +20 Life Points and Deal +20 Damage on their Attacks. Tribal Boost considers Beasties controlled by ALL Casters. Effects that would remove Effect text boxes would also remove Tribal Boost (i.e., Paralyze).
Aura Attack Advantage
Some Beasties might have an Aura Symbol next to the Beastie's Attack(s) to indicate that Attack receives +20 Damage dealt when the primary Defender is of the pictured Aura Type.
Here's an example where a Spookster Blocking an Attack from Flatwoods Monster to understand how Type Advantage and Aura Attack Advantage can interact:
Status Effects
Status Effects are dangerous conditions that may be inflicted upon Beasties, Artifacts, or Casters. A target may only have 1 Status Effect Indicator of each type on it (except for Poison). This means that a Page or Caster already inflicted with Burn cannot suffer Burn again until the Burn Indicator has been removed. If the Status Effect Indicator is removed from a target in any way, the Status Effect ceases. All Status Effect Indicators are removed from a Page when it leaves the Arena.
Additionally, if an Attack lists a Status Effect Symbol next to its Damage value, an opposing Page in Combat may be inflicted with that Status Effect (see each Status Effects for details about determining if the Status Effect is applied as a result of an Attack). In cases with multiple Defenders, Status Effects may only affect the primary Defender. When a page "automatically" inflicts a Status Effect, no coin flip is performed. Instead, place that status Effect Indicator on the target.

Traits grant a Beastie or Artifact special abilities, and Beasties or Artifacts that share Traits usually do so for very specific purposes. Pages may have indicators placed on them to show that they are using a specific trait or being affected by a specific trait (Example: A Beastie is considered burrowed) however, this indicator is not considered a Status Effect Indicator.

Changing Page Types
A Page may change the type of Page it is due to another Effect during your game. When this happens the Page is considered to be a new Page at that point. It will retain any previous Damage on the Page, if able. Any previous effects that affect that specified Page type (i.e., Beastie, Artifact, etc.) cease to affect any part of a Page that has had their Page type changed and are removed or nullified. No Equipment Pages will Unequip due to a Page changing Page types and no counters will be removed due to a Page changing types unless stated otherwise by an effect. However if the Page type can no longer be affected by the Equipped Page, it won't be. A Page type that remains the same Page type throughout an effect is not considered for the Page to have changed Page types.
Equipment Pages

- Any Page Type (i.e., Artifacts, Spells, etc.) can be an Equipment.
- After an Equipment has been Equipped to a Page, the controller of that Equipment is the Caster who controls the Equipped Page. The Equipment is still owned by the Caster that Contracted that Page.
- An Equipment chooses a target based on its written Effects, which activate during Contract, or through a Page effect. Afterward, Equipment Pages are placed under their target Page face-up.
- Equipment Pages with effect text that targets a Page must have a valid target in order to be Contracted.
- Beastie Pages with the Equipment Trait do not require a Target to be Contracted and may enter the Arena as a Beastie Page being Contracted. You (as the Caster) may choose to not equip the Page based on its written Effects.
- If the original target for the Equipment Page is removed from the Arena before the Page is Equipped, the Equipment will enter its respective discard pile unless otherwise specified.
- Equipment Pages are considered not in the Arena and cannot be Attacked, unless otherwise specified.
- Equipment Pages that can be targeted through their own Page effects are considered in the Arena.
- If the Page on top of the Equipment moves, the Equipment follows the Page on top.
- Equipment Pages give positive or negative Effects to their equipped Page.
- If the Page on top of the Equipment leaves the Arena, the Equipment will enter its respective discard pile unless otherwise specified (i.e., Beasties and Artifacts enter the Limbo, Spells and Potions enter the Cemetery).
Trap Pages
Certain Pages have the Trap Trait.Pages with the printed Trap Trait have the ability to be Contracted as a Trap.
- All Pages have the option to be placed face-down as a Trap.
- Pages placed face-down as a Trap into the Arena are considered under the control of the Caster that placed the Page face-down.
- If a face-down Page is revealed during the game and it does not have the Trap Trait, the Caster who placed the Page face-down immediately loses the game.
- If you cannot lose the game, Pages without the Trap Trait that are flipped face-up cannot be Contracted and are immediately placed in their respective Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife.
- Only one face-down Trap Page may be under a Page at any time.
- Traps can be placed without paying the Aura Cost (until flipped face-up):
- Face-down into the Arena
- Face-down under a Beastie or Artifact in the Arena that you control
- In the event that the Page the face-down Trap Page is under would be removed from the Arena, the Trap Page remains face-down in the Arena.
- If two or more Trap Pages would flip face-up at the same time, the active Caster decides the order in which their Effects and Abilities are resolved.
- Any face down Trap Page will not have an Aura Type.
Contracting a Trap Page
- Paying the Aura Cost of a Trap when it's Flipped-up is Contracting that Page.
- Failure, inability, or choosing not to Contract a Trap results in the Trap Page being placed into the Afterlife without activating any of its Effects or Powers.
Flipping a Trap Page Face-Up
- Declaring a Beastie with a Trap under it as a Defender does not flip the Trap.
- A face-down Trap Page is flipped face-up when it is targeted by an Attack while not under a Page in the Arena.
- Trap Pages under another Page may not be targeted for Attacks.
- A face-down Trap Page is flipped face-up when it is under a Page in the Arena and the Page it is under is targeted for an Attack.
- Trap Pages automatically become a Defender after flipping face-up and being Contracted into the Arena. (see Combat p. 28).
- Unless otherwise stated, you can not choose to flip a Trap Page (when not flipped by an Action in the above point) and declare it as a Defender.
- Some Trap Pages specify you can flip it face-up at another time.
- If a Trap Page is flipped face up during Combat due to its own effect and that Page is a Beastie or Artifact Page, it is still considered a Defender in that Combat if Contracted. (see Combat)
Placement refers to placing a Page in the Arena via Contracting a Page, an Effect that moves a Page that is already in the Arena, or placing the Page into the Arena through an Effect. Placement only refers to the Placement of a Page in relation to it being in the Arena by itself, layered, or on-top-of or underneath another Page. The placement of a Page in the Arena cannot be on-top-of or underneath another Page unless otherwise stated by a Page Effect. No Pages are to be moved from their position at any time to air in a specific Caster's placement or layering. Unless stated by a Page Effect, the placement of a Page cannot be entirely covering another Page in the Arena regardless of being in an Awakened or Fatigued position.
Layering Pages
When unable to place a page in the Arena without obstructing the view of another Page, you may layer Pages you own as you place them in the Arena. When Layering Pages, you are allowed to cover half or less than half of a Pages(s) in either a Fatigued or Awakened position.
Layer: To place a Page in the Arena partially covering another Page or partially under another Page. No mechanics consider the Pages on-top-of or underneath each other.
If you or an opponent wishes to view a Page that is layered or underneath another Page, the Caster that owns that Page must show this Page and return it to its original position/placement on the board prior to the check.
On-top-of and Underneath
A Page is only considered on-top-of or underneath a Page if placed there specifically by another Page Effect or its own Effect. A Page placed underneath another Page in the Arena (Example: Headless Horseman's effect, illustrated below) is considered to leave the Arena when placed under another Page, unless placed there by its own Effect (this is not considered Destroying the Page).
Pages placed underneath another page via their own Page Effect are considered in the Arena unless specified otherwise by the Effect. (Example: Powerup Red, illustrated below).
Unless otherwise stated by an Effect, or rule, Pages on-top-of and underneath each other move in unison simultaneously to anywhere within the Arena. If the Page on-top-of another Page would leave the Arena for any reasons, the Page underneath is sent to its respective Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife in relation to where the Page on top was placed/sent (unless stated otherwise by a page effect). If a Page on-top-of another Page is place into a Spellbook or Chapter, Pages underneath that Page are placed into their respective Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife. DESTROYED effects will not activated when the page on-top-of another Page leaves the Arena and the Pages underneath are placed in their specified zone. If an Effect states to place the Page under another back into the Arena after the Page on-top-of the other Page(s) leaves the Arena, fulfill the written Effects rather than placing the Pages underneath into their respective Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife.
Notable Exceptions to Placement
Equipment and Traps function separately from the Placement of other Pages. Refer to the Traps section of the rulebook or the Equipment section of the rulebook for their placement functionality. Tokens may still be represented by a die placed on a standard size playing card or layered Pages. These Pages will not be considered on-top-of or underneath of each other and will be considered in the Arena. Aura may still be layered and may be covering over half of another Aura but less than all of the other Aura in any fashion. Provided that both players can interpret how many Aura Pages are presented within the Arena at any time.
Spellbook Rules and Tips
Your Spellbook must have a minimum of 40 Pages in it, and there's no maximum total number of Pages (but you must be able to shuffle your entire deck with two hands and within 2 minutes). Your Spellbook comprises Beasties, Spells, Artifacts, Potions, Terra, and Aura. You'll want to include a good combination of these Pages to give yourself options during the game.
- If you are using Terra to activate 4th Wall Effects, this will affect the type and frequency of combinations you Bookmark.
- You are allowed a Archive of up to 15 Pages that you can use to modify your Spellbook between games.
- Each Page has a maximum number of times it can appear in a Spellbook and Archive combined as indicated by the Spellbook Limit on the Page (this number is another way to balance the other features of the Page).
- Pages with no Spellbook Limit listed on their Page may be included any number of times in your Spellbook or Archive.
- A Page that is Functionally the same but from a different set cannot be added to a Spellbook.
Running out of Pages
Running out of Pages in your Spellbook does not represent any special Win/Loss condition. Ignore any instances where you would Bookmark, such at the start of your turn or Page Effects. Play continues as normal. If all Casters run out of Pages in their Spellbook, the game ends in a Draw (neither Caster wins nor loses).Archive
You are allowed an Archive of 15 Pages that you can use to modify your Spellbook between games.
Some general rules for Archives:
- Archives are not required.
- Each Page has a maximum number of times it can appear in a Spellbook and Archive combined as indicated by the Spellbook Limit on the Page (this number is another way to balance the other features of the Page).
- Before beginning multiple games with the same opposing Casters, you must show your Archive and the number of Pages in it (but you are not required to show which Pages are in it).
- You can only use an Archive after your first game.
- When using an Archive after your first game.
- When using an Archive between games to replace Pages in your Spellbook, your Spellbook and Archive must end up with the same number of Pages in it before the start of your next game.
- At the end of each game, all Pages put into the Spellbook from the Archive must be placed back into the Archive.
Action: An Action is something a Caster chooses to do during the game, such as Contracting a Page, using an Effect or Power, Declaring an Attack, or moving a Trap Page.
Afterlife: The area of the Arena reserved for those Pages that have moved on from the current game. Destroyed Terra and Aura are placed here. Special rules can require pages to be placed in the Afterlife.
Anyplace: Your Spellbook, Chapter, Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife.
Any Time: The ability to take an Action on your turn or during a generated priority window.
Archive: A deck of up to 15 Pages that you can use to modify your Spellbook in-between games. This is also known as the "Side-Deck".
Arena: The part of the Battleground into which your Pages are Contracted.
Artifact: The type of Page that represents an item imbued with magical energy that contains special abilities.
Attack: The bold text on a Beastie Page, followed by a red number and any Effect text listed under it. A Beastie may have more than 1 Attack. You may pick only 1 Attack to use when Attacking with a Beastie.
Attack Damage: Any Damage beside the Attack Name that is printed in red. Damage Modifiers are applied in Attack Damage.
Aura: MetaZoo's resource used to Contract Pages into the Arena. Aura differs from Aura Pages in that Aura leaves at the end of each turn, whereas Aura Pages generate Aura.
Aura Effects: Effects that ONLY generate Aura and have no other Effects. These Effects can be used without passing Priority. Only Aura Effects with "any time" clauses, or Aura Pages, may be used in a generated priority window. Unless an Effect would state otherwise.
Automatically: Placing a Status Effect Indicator on a Page instead of performing a coin flip.
Awaken: Changing the state of a Page active in the Arena to no longer be Fatigued.
Battleground: The entire area of play encompassing all the areas where Pages used in the game exist.
Beastie: The type of Page that represents the various cyrptids, monsters, and beings that inhabit the world of MetaZoo.
Bonus LP: Any Life Points added to a Page past the printed Life Points of the Page.
Bonus Damage: Any Damage added to a Page past the printed Damage of the Page.
Bookmark: When you take a Page from the top of your Spellbook and add it to your Chapter.
Caster: Each player in the game is a Caster.
Cemetery: The area of the Arena where Spells and Potions go once they have been used. Occasionally, a Beastie or Artifact will also go to the Cemetery due to an Effect.
Chapter: The Pages you hold in your hand during the game. Pages may be Contracted from your Chapter. When you Bookmark a Page, it's placed into your Chapter.
Combat Damage: Any Effect Damage or Attack Damage that an Attacker or Defender in Combat produces.
Contract: To Contract a Page, you must pay its Aura cost, meet any additional requirements for the Page, and then place it into the Arena.
Copy: To take the same printed information as the targeted or chosen Page and to apply it in a way a written effect will specify. Any Damage, Gains/Losses, inflicted Status Effect Indicators, Set Symbols, Aura Cost, or Pages Equipped to it will not be copied.
Counter: Die/Dice used to indicate a number or amount.
Damage: Damage represents any wounds or injuries a Page or Caster has received. Any time a Caster or Page suffers Damage, they subtract a number of current LP equal to the Damage they received. Damage can also mean the amount of Damage an Attack deals, shown via the red number to the right of an Attack. An Effect that has you lose LP (such as the Poison Effect) or pay LP is not considered Damage.
Destroyed: When a Page is Destroyed, it's removed from the Arena and placed into one of three areas: Beasties and Artifacts are placed in Limbo (unless otherwise stated), Spells and Potions are placed in the Cemetery (unless otherwise stated), and Terra and aura go into the Afterlife. Some special Effects may call for Pages to be placed in the Afterlife when Destroyed.
Discard: To send a Page to its respective Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife.
Discard Zone(s): The Limbo, Cemetery, or Afterlife.
Effect Damage: Any Damage from a written Effect on the Page not including Attack Damage.
Equip: When a Page attaches to another Page in the Arena and grants positive or negative effects based on what its written text.
Equipment: A Page that attaches itself to another Page in the Arena and grants positive or negative Effects. Equipment Pages will have the Equipment Trait.
Fatigued: A Page that's turned 90 degrees to represent being exhausted or having used its functions. A Fatigued Page cannot be Fatigued again until it's Awakened.
Flipped: Effects that resolve after a Page is flipped face-up.
Immediately: The next Action or event that you may or must take, or resolve.
Index: To reveal Pages from the top of your Spellbook until a specified Page is revealed. The revealed Page is placed into the specified zone. An opposing Caster is then chosen to place every other revealed Page on top of your Spellbook in any order.
Inflict: To attempt to affect a Page or Caster by placing a Status Effect Indicator on them.
Inflicted: A Page or Caster that currently has a Status Effect Indicator on them.
Life Points (LP): The representation of how tough a Page or Caster is. The LP listed on the top right of a Page lists a Page's maximum LP. Maximum LP differs from current LP. Maximum LP is how much Damage a Page can receive, whereas current LP is how much Damage a Page can currently receive. Current LP can be calculated by subtracting a Page's or Caster's maximum LP by the amount of Damage and/or LP Loss they have received.
- All Casters start the game with 1,000 LP. Pages enter the Arena with current and maximum LP equal to the LP listed on it.
- When a Caster has Damage equal to their maximum Life Points, they lose the game.
- When a Page has Damage equal to its maximum LP, it's Destroyed.
Limbo: The discard pile where Beasties and Artifacts go when they're destroyed.
Look: Some Effects will look at a Page from a specified zone. This is separate from revealing, and the gained information of the Page(s) does not have ot be disclosed to other Casters.
Lose Condition: Some Page effects will cause you, or other Casters to lose the game based on special conditions within the game.
Nullify: (Interchangeable: "Do not resolve") To not resolve the Effects or Traits of a Page.
Page: A MetaZoo Card.
Page Effect: (Interchangeable: "Effect") A Sentence, phrase, or symbol on a Page that causes an outcome after its resolution by affecting something within the game.
Potion: Have a one-time Effect and are then sent to the Cemetery.
Power: Represented by a blue oval in the text box on a Beastie's Page, Powers are skills that can only be activated on your turn (unless otherwise specified) by declaring which Beastie is using which Power on its Page and Fatiguing it.
Primary Defender: The Defender in Combat that is inflicted with Status Effects and has an applicable Attack chosen. This is the only Defender in Combat that can use an Attack against a Beastie that declared an attack. If no Defenders are declared, the original target of the Attack becomes the Primary Defender. Beasties without Attacks can be declared as Primary Defenders, but Artifacts and Casters may not. Artifacts and Casters are considered Primary Defenders if they are the original target of the Attack and do not have any other Defenders declared.
Private Zone(s): Chapter or Spellbook
Public Zone(s): Arena, Limbo, Cemetery, Afterlife
Recover: Recovering represents healing wounds or injuries on a Page or Caster. When a Page or Caster recovers LP, a number of Damage is removed from that Page or Caster. Page's and Casters can recover their LP (remove Damage) even if they're at maximum LP.
Replace: To swap a targeted or chosen Page(s) for a stated object to take its place. You may not choose a new position in the Arena for this new Page and it will enter Fatigued under the control of the Caster who Controlled the Page at the time of being replaced, unless stated otherwise by an Effect.
Reveal: To show a Page to all Casters. Revealing a Page does not activate its Effects unless stated otherwise.
Spellbook: This is your primary deck composed of at least 40 Pages.
Spell: A type of Page that represents magical abilities conjured by a Caster. Spells usually have a one-time Effect and are then sent to the Cemetery.
Status Effect: A hazardous conditioned that Beasties, Artifacts, and Caster may suffer from. The Status Effects in MetaZoo are Frozen, Burn, Paralyze, Poison, Scared, Sleep, and Confusion.
Status Effect Indicator: A marker placed on a page to indicate that it's suffering from a Status Effect.
Terra: A type of Page that represents a type of terrain, an event, or other situation that may activate the Terra Bonuses. While a Terra of a specific type is on the field, the Terra Bonuses that share a name with the Terra are considered active.
Terra Bonus: An increase in Damage or LP activated by your surroundings or a Terra Page. These bonuses are displayed on the left section of a Page. See the Terra Bonuses section for more information.
Trap: A type of Page that has the Trap Trait. See the Trap Pages section for more information.
Trait: Represented by a special symbol on a Page, Traits give your Pages a special edge in Combat or other situation. See the Traits section for detailed explanations of each Trait.
Tribe: A Tribe is the collection of Beasties that may be closely related in form, function, or both. For example, both Napa Rebobs and Bigfoot are in the Tribe "Beastie Sasquatch."
Type Advantage: Represents the special relationship between two Aura Types that indicates whether one type may deal increased Damage to another.
Unequip: When a Page detaches from another Page and ceases to grant any positive or negative effects written on the Page.
Win Condition: Some Page effects will cause you, or other Casters to win the game based on special conditions within the game.
Dear Casters of the World of MetaZoo!
I am your humble Head Caster and creator of MetaZoo, Michael Waddell. I wanted to thank you personally for your support, especially here at the very beginning. Many TCGs are an immediate death sentence to a new gaming company, and more often than not are DOA. This may be the case for MetaZoo as well, but I have faith in the community that has grown since our inception, and that continues to grow.
The only thing I can do, along with the truly spectacular staff, is continue to preserve the MetaZoo brand to the best of my ability. We are the guardians of a new world that thousands have grown to love in a very short time. To do anything other than put our best foot forward would be irresponsible and heartbreaking to those who have been with us since the start.
So, as you flip through this rulebook and sleeve your first MetaZoo cards, I ask you that you trust my team and me as stewards of the game you have come to love!
We have big plans for MetaZoo and we hope you do as well. It's a journey we can go on together. So let's get started!
Sincerely yours,
Michael Waddell
This rulebook was written by:
Elliot Evans, Emilio Emilio Soto Soto, Kevin Cote, Logan Dick, Logan Barnes, Michael Waddell
Official Rulebook Transcription and formatting for IHC Cards on this page by: Starboard Digital
Thank you to the artists at for the use of their free icons in many of our pages.
We would also like to thank and credit the artists at for the use of many of their free icons as a basis for some of the icons used in MetaZoo Games as well.
Please note: the use of these icons does not constitute ownership. A full list of artist attributions can be found here: |
Page 30: Clarified Traps and priority in Combat
Page 43/44: Clarified Contracting a Trap Page/face down Trap Pages
Page 21: Clarified simultaneous CONTRACT and ENTER's
Page 36: Clarified Confusion
Page 41: Clarified Changing Page Types
Page 6: Added Basic Aura Page and Special Aura Page
Page 7: Clarified Creating token copies and tokens
Page 14: Clarified control of Terra Pages
Page 19: Clarified Contracting Aura Pages through Effects
Page 21: Clarified ENTER effect timing with CONTRACT
Page 22: Clarified/Added Generating Aura/Aura Effects
Page 23: Clarified/Added Determining Control/replaced
Page 24: Added Static Effects
Page 25: Added Enter
Page 25: Added Spellbook Restrictions
Page 29: Clarified Shuffling After Searching/Combat
Page 31: Clarified Combat
Page 32: Clarified Combat
Page 34: Clarified Automatically inflicting
Page 35: Clarified Poison
Page 36: Clarified Confusion
Page 37: Clarified all Traits
Page 41: Clarified Changing Page Types
Page 42: Clarified Equipment
Page 44: Clarified Trap PAges
Page 50: Added Any Time, Attack Damage
Page 51: Added Aura Effects, Bonus LP, Bonus Damage
Page 52: Added Combat Damage, Copy
Page 53: Added Discard Zone, Effect Damage, Immediately
Page 54: Added Inflicted, Lose Conditions
Page 54: Clarified Nullify/Do not resolve
Page 55: Added Page Effect, Private Zone(s), Public Zone(s), Replace
Page 57: Added Win Condition
Page 11: Clarified Aura Type Advantage
Page 23: Clarified Ownership vs. Control of a Page
Page 38: Clarified Equipment
Page 40: Added Changing Page Types
Page 41: Clarified Equipment
Page 49: Added Anyplace
Page 7: Added Tokens
Page 9: Added Determining a Pages Aura Type(s)
Page 36: Clarified Traits further
Page 36: Clarified Defender further
Page 37: Clarified Equipment Trait firtjer
Page 40: Clarified Equipment Beastie Functionality
Page 45: Clarified Placement for tokens further
Page 50: Added Equip
Page 50: Added Index
Page 53: Added Unequip
Page 5: Clarified Spellbook Limit
Page 12: Clarified 4th wall effects
Page 16: Clarified beginning of turn steps
Page 17: Clarified using Powers
Page 18: Clarified Contracting a Page
Page 23: Updated Simultaneous Effects
Page 25 Clarified Combat
Page 29: Clarified removing Counters/Indicators
Page 30: Updated Frozen
Page 33: Clarified Traits function further
Page 33: Updated Defender
Page 34: Updated Equipment
Page 34: Updated Flash
Page 35: Updated Infectious
Page 37: Updated equipment
Page 38-39: Updated Trap Pages
Page 40: Added Placement
Page 43: Updated Spellbook Rules and Tips
Page 46: Updated "Copy"
Page 46: Updated "Damage"
Page 47: Updated "Equipment"
Page 48: Added "Look"
Page 18: Updated Generating Aura
Page 23: Simultaneous Effects updated to explain Spells..
Page 33: Updated Bloodsucker.
Page 33: Updated Convert.
Page 35: Updated Stoneskin.
Page 38-39: Traps have been updated to explain functionality further.
Page: 37 Clarified placing Traps into the arena
Page 3: Clarified Fatigue to the left or right
Page 20: Clarified taking no Action during Priority
Page 22: Added section on die rolls.
Page 26: Clarified Priority during Combat.
Page 28: Removed clause stating immortal Beasties may only be allocated Damage equal to their current LP.
Page 28: Clarified if possible on Damage Allocation
Page 28: Clarified when "Destroyed" effects trigger in Combat
Page 38: Updated Traps to include "In the Arena"
Page 44: Clarified Life point Loss for Current LP.
Page 45: Updated "Nullify" to include Traits.
Page 16: Specified that some Pages with Effects can have [game] loss conditions in addition to win conditions.
Page 19: Specified that "Aura Pages fatigued by an effect do not generate Aura."
Page 27: Step 2 of Combat: Clarified that Artifacts and Casters may not be declared as defenders. Additionally, "The Primary Defender is the only Defender in Combat that can use an Attack against a Beastie that declared an attack."
Page 28: Resolving a chosen Attack: Modified how Damage allocation is done.
Page 35: Fleet: Can now be applied to Artifacts.
Page 35: Flight: Can now be applied to Artifacts.
Page 37: Specified how Equipment Page ownership and Targeting.
Page 40: Specified that "A Page that is functionally the same but from a different set cannot be added to a Spellbook."
Page 41: A side-deck is now called an "Archive".
Page 43: Defined "Counter".
Page 44: Defined "Discard".
Page 45: Defined "Primary Defender".
Page 46: Defined "Reveal".