Gem Blenders Comprehensive Rules

Comprehensive Rules v1.1
Last Edit: August, 2024

1. General

  • 100. Components
  • 101. Standard Format Deck Restrictions
  • 102. General Exceptions

2. Gameplay

  • 200. Beginning the Game
  • 201. Draw Phase
  • 202. Play Phase
  • 203. Declaring an Attack
  • 204. Resolving an Attack
  • 205. End Phase
  • 206. Ending the Round

3. Cards and Concepts

  • 300. Hero Cards
  • 301. Gem Cards
  • 302. Blend Cards
  • 303. Action Cards

4. Zones

  • 400. Field
  • 401. Action Meter
  • 402. Hand
  • 403. Deck
  • 404. Discard
  • 405. The Bench
  • 406. Attached Cards

5. Advanced Concepts

  • 500. Hero Effects
  • 501. Effect Sequencing

6. Key Terms and Definitions

  • 600. Activation Gem
  • 601. Additional Attack
  • 602. Allotted Gem
  • 603. Arrange
  • 604. Attach Effect
  • 605. Attack/Defense Bonus
  • 606. ATK/DEF
  • 607. Attack Damage
  • 608. Blended Hero
  • 609. Blending/Deblending
  • 610. Deblend-to-Block
  • 611. Equip
  • 612. Hero Movement
  • 613. Hit Points (HP)
  • 614. Invisible Gem
  • 615. Non-Attack Damage
  • 616. Opposite Position Hero
  • 617. Rotate
  • 618. Decking Out
  • 619. Search
  • 620. Starred Action/0-Star Action
  • 621. Substitute
  • 622. Switch
  • 623. Timed Action Card
  • 624. Written Attack or Defense
  • 625. Any basic gem type


1. General

100. Components

100.1 Gem Blenders is a card game played with Gem Blenders trading cards.

    • 100.1a Gem Blenders trading cards can be found in official Gem Blenders products such as booster packs, gem packs, starter decks, etc.
    • 100.1b Gem Blenders trading cards printed before 2024 are not compatible with cards printed from 2024 and onwards.
100.2 Standard Gem Blenders is played with two players.

100.3 Each player must have a Gem Blenders deck (see 101).
    • 100.3a Each deck is typically custom built by the individual players prior to the start of the game.

101. Standard Format Deck Restrictions

101.1 Each deck consists of a main deck plus 4-8 “heroes” (see 300).
      • 101.1a A deck must have at least 4 heroes.
      • 101.1b Four hero cards will start the game on the field, and the remaining 0-4 hero cards will begin the game on the “bench” (see 405).
    101.2 No more than 1 copy of each hero card can be included across all 8 hero cards.
    101.3 The main deck must have exactly 50 non-hero cards.
        • 101.3a Non-hero cards include “gems” (see 301), “blends” (see 302), and “actions” (see 303).
        • 101.3b The main deck can include any combination of gems, blends, and actions.
        • 101.3c The main deck cannot have more or less than 50 cards.
      101.4 The main deck cannot have more than 3 copies of each unique blend or action card.
      101.5 The main deck can have any number of identical copies of basic gem cards.
      101.6 A deck cannot have more than 5 “stars” among action cards.
        • 101.6a “Stars” can be found on some action cards in the upper right-hand corner.
        • 101.6b Any number of “0-star actions” (actions that have no stars) may be included (still following rule 101.4).
        • 101.6c A deck can have fewer than 5 stars, or even 0 stars.
        • 101.6d For example, a deck may have one 2-star action, and three 1-star actions.

      102. General Exceptions

      102.1 If a card text explicitly contradicts a rule stated here, the card text takes priority.
      102.2 At any time during the game, a player may concede the game.

      2. Gameplay

      200. Beginning the Game

      200.1 Each player begins the game with 20 HP (Hit Points).
        • 200.1a HP may be represented by any numerical indicator, for example pen and paper.
      200.2 Before the game begins, each player places 4 heroes face down in a diamond formation, across from their opponent (a diamond formation consists of left, center, right, and back positions). This is called the “field” (see 400).
        • 200.2a After being placed, these heroes may not be switched until the game begins.
      200.3 Players may set aside up to 4 additional heroes in a face down stack near the game area. This is called the “bench” (see 405).
      200.4 After placing heroes, a player is randomly chosen by an agreed upon method (for example, flip a coin, play rock-paper-scissors, or roll dice). The chosen player must decide to go first or second.
        • 200.4a Turn order must be decided before each player draws their opening hand and before the heroes are turned face-up.
      200.5 After deciding who goes first, each player shuffles their deck and draws an opening hand of 7 cards.
      200.6 After drawing opening hands, in turn order, each player may choose to “mulligan” by shuffling their hand back into their deck and drawing a new opening hand of 7 cards.
        • 200.6a Each player may only mulligan once.
      200.7 After both players have made their decision whether or not to mulligan, all heroes on the field are flipped face up and the first turn begins.
      200.8 Each player alternates taking turns until the game is over.
        • 200.8a Each turn consists of a “draw phase” (see 201), “play phase” (see 202), and “end phase” (see 205).
        • 200.8b The game ends when a player has won 2 “rounds” (see 206).
        • 200.8c A round is won when a player reduces the other player’s HP to 0, usually through inflicting damage to their HP by “attacking” them with their heroes (see 203-204).
      200.9 The player going first does not draw a card to start their first turn, and may not attack with their heroes during their first turn.
        • 200.9a The player going second does draw a card and can attack on their first turn.
        • 200.9b The player going first may still draw cards and inflict non-attack damage by using other card effects, even during their first turn.

        201. Draw Phase

        201.1 At the beginning of your turn, draw a card from your deck and put it into your hand.
          • 201.1a The player going first does not draw a card to start their first turn.
        201.2 Any effects that specify “your turn” will include your draw phase.
          • 201.2a For example “until your next turn” will last until just before you draw the card at the start of your turn.
          • 201.2b Apply any effects that specify “at the beginning of your turn” before you draw the card to start your turn, but after “until your next turn” effects end.
        201.3 If there are no cards remaining in your deck, inflict 15 damage to your HP instead of drawing (see 618).

        202. Play Phase

        202.1 During your play phase, you may play your allotted gem (see 301.2), use hero effects (see 300), blend and deblend (see 302), play actions (see 303), and declare an attack (see 203), in any order.
          • 202.1a Cards are always played face-up.
          • 202.1b Opponents may not play cards or use hero effects during the active player’s turn unless the card text says otherwise.
          • 202.1c Cards, effects, and attacks cannot interrupt one another unless stated (see 501).
          • 202.1d After you attack, you may continue your turn, including playing cards, activating effects, and playing your allotted gem (if you have not done so yet this turn).
          • 202.1e A player may play any number of action cards or blend cards, and may use any number of hero effects during their turn.
          • 202.1f A player may only make one attack and play one allotted gem per turn.
          • 202.1g A player may blend and deblend any number of times during their turn.

        203. Declaring an Attack

        203.1 At any point during your play phase you may declare an attack with any number of your frontline heroes.
          • 203.1a You may only declare one attack per turn.
          • 203.1b You may declare any number of frontline heroes as attackers, but they all must be declared at the same time.
          • 203.1c A player’s frontline consists of their left, center, and right position heroes.
          • 203.1d Back position heroes cannot attack.
          • 203.1e You do not have to declare all of your frontline heroes as attackers.
          • 203.1f You may not use effects or play cards from your hand during the attack (unless specified otherwise).
          • 203.1g You may declare a hero as attacking even if it has 0 ATK (attack) stat.
          • 203.1h All declared heroes are now considered to be “attacking” for the purposes of effects such as BURN FOWL [[Fester: If an opponent played an action since your last turn, this hero gains +4 attack while attacking that opponent.]].
        203.2 After declaring which heroes are attacking, the active player may use hero effects and play cards that specify “when you declare an attack,” in any order.
        203.3 After the active player has resolved their cards and hero effects, the defending player may use hero effects and play cards that specify “when an opponent declares an attack,” in any order.
          • 203.3a The active player can no longer play cards or use “declare attack” effects after this step, even if the defending player doesn’t use any cards or effects.

        204. Resolving an Attack

        204.1 After Declaring an Attack (see 203) is finished, any declared heroes that still have 0 ATK (attack) at this point do not resolve an attack.
        204.2 For the remaining heroes that do resolve an attack, first apply any effects on opposite heroes that specify “when this hero is attacked.”
          • 204.2a For example, Shard Buster [[Elegant Lure: Every time an opponent's hero attacks this hero, that opponent may draw 1 card.]]
        204.3 After resolving effects of attacked heroes, calculate each hero’s attack damage by subtracting the opposite position hero’s defense (DEF) stat from the attacking hero’s attack (ATK) stat.
          • 204.3a An opposite position hero is an opponent’s hero that is directly across from your hero on the field. For example, the opposite position hero of your right position hero is your opponent’s left position hero (see 616).
          • 204.3b Only take into consideration the current circumstances when applying effects with the wording “while attacking.” For example, Pearl Deceptor [[Tantalize: If an opponent has 6 or more cards in their hand, this hero gains +3 attack while attacking that opponent.]] — it will not gain this bonus if that player has less than 6 cards at this point, even if that player had more than 6 cards at the beginning of the attack phase.
        204.4 For each attacking hero, the defending player may choose to either deblend the opposite hero, aka “deblend-to-block” (see 610), or accept the damage.
          • 204.4a If the player accepts the damage, inflict attack damage to that player’s HP by reducing their HP equal to the net attack damage of each hero.
          • 204.4b Only blended heroes can deblend-to-block. Only the damage from the opposite hero is prevented. Only the blend is discarded, not the hero or the gems.
          • 204.4c If a hero is being attacked by multiple enemy heroes at the same time (for example by an effect like Storm Weaver [[Low-Pressure Aura: While in center position, this hero may attack an opponent's left or right position hero. While in left or right position, this hero may attack an opponent's center position hero.]]), apply its defense to each attacking hero, however it may only deblend-to-block one of the attacking heroes (doing so does not negate its defense against the other attacker).
        204.5 For heroes carrying out additional attacks, repeat section 204, “Resolving an Attack”, without repeating section 203 “Declaring an Attack.”
          • 204.5a Damage is recalculated for every attack.
          • 204.5b A hero may only deblend-to-block one of the attacks.
          • 204.5c You may not use cards or effects between attacks.
          • 204.5d You must resolve effects that specify “after this hero attacks” between each attack, for example Hornet [[Mutual Destruction: After this hero attacks, deblend it.]] cannot attack multiple times without deblending.

        205. End phase

        205.1 At any time during your play phase, you may declare your end phase. Apply effects that specify “at the end of your turn,” and then pass the turn to the other player.
          • 205.1a The active player chooses the order of their ”end of turn” effects.
          • 205.1b A player does not have to play cards, use effects, or declare and attack during their turn. They do have to complete the draw phase, play phase, and end phase.
          • 205.1c A player cannot interrupt a card effect or attack by declaring their end phase.

        206. Ending the round

        206.1 If at any point during the game a player’s HP drops to or below 0, they lose the round immediately, and the active player moves straight to their end phase.
          • 206.1a Resolve any unresolved effects.
          • 206.1b Players may still use “end of turn” effects.
          • 206.1c A player cannot lose the round before a new round has begun.
          • 206.1d Even if a player loses the round during their own turn, their turn ends and their opponent begins the next turn.
          • 206.1e Players may not concede rounds.
          • 206.1f HP may not be lower than 0. If HP would drop below 0, it drops to 0 instead.
        206.2 When a player has won two rounds, the game ends immediately, and that player has won the game.
        206.3 If a player’s HP drops to 0 and neither player has won two rounds, both players do the following to begin a new round after the active player’s end phase:
        1. Set their HP to 20.
        2. Move all cards in their action meter to their discard.
        3. Starting with the round winner, each player may “substitute” (see 621) one hero on their field with one hero from their bench (see 405).
        4. The turn passes to the next player.
          • 206.3a The next turn is not considered a “first turn.”
          • 206.3b Cards and effects may not be played or used before the turn starts.
          • 206.3c Substituted heroes discard their blend, but not their gems.
          • 206.3d Do not reset the game. Only HP is reset, and the action meter is cleared — all cards in other zones (see 400) remain as they were.

        3. Cards and concepts

        300. Hero Cards

        300.1 Hero cards begin the game on the field (see 400), and cannot be included in the main decks.
          • 300.1a Among other differentiators, hero cards are designated by an “H” in the upper left-hand corner.
          • 300.1b Your field will have four heroes, which will not leave the field unless substituted (see 621) with a hero from your bench.
        300.2 Hero cards begin in one of four positions — left position, center position, right position, and back position.
          • 300.2a Left position, center position, and right position are also known as “frontline heroes.”
          • 300.2b Each hero can only occupy one position, and each position can only have one hero.
        300.3 An opponent’s hero that is directly across from your hero is known as the “opposite position hero.”
          • 300.3a The opposite position hero to your right position hero is your opponent’s left position hero, opposite your center is their center, and opposite your left is their right.
          • 300.3b Back position heroes do not have opposite position heroes.
        300.4 Hero cards have a name, level (LV), attack stat number (ATK), defense
        stat number (DEF), effect, effect name, and may or may not have any number of activation gems (see 600).
        300.5 An activation gem designates a stat (ATK or DEF) or effect that is not able to be used until that hero is equipped with at least one gem.
          • 300.5a A hero may use the designated stat or effect even if they have more than one gem equipped.
          • 300.5b It does not matter what gem type the hero is equipped with.
          • 300.5c The gem is not discarded to use the effect.
          • 300.5d The hero may use the effect in the same turn that it is equipped with a gem.
          • 300.5e The hero may use the effect or stat for as long as a gem remains equipped.
          • 300.5f Invisible gems count for activation gems.
          • 300.5g Effects and stats are still considered to be present for the purposes of effects such as Dread Blader [[X-Blades: This hero's written attack is equal to the highest written attack on your field. This hero's written defense is equal to the highest written defense on your field.]] or Reflector [[Hero Mirror: Once during your turn, you may declare 1 unblended hero on your field. Replace this effect with the effect of that hero for the remainder of your turn.]].
        300.6 Blended heroes lose all original stats and effects, but retain their name andlevel. A blend’s attack, defense, and effect supersede that of the hero.
          • 300.6a For example, a LV.5 hero that is using a LV.2 blend (a blend that uses only two gems) is still considered a LV.5 hero.
        300.7 Changing a hero’s effect, through blending or otherwise, does not change the amount of times it may use the named effect.
          • 300.7a For example, if a player uses Usher [[Destiny Wave: Once during your turn, you may deblend this hero and then equip 1 hero on your field with 1 gem from your hand (this does not count as your allotted gem).]], they may not use “Destiny Wave” on that hero for the remainder of the turn, even if a new Usher is played.
          • 300.b In this example, Usher and “Destiny Wave” may still be used on a different hero in the same turn.
          • 300.7c In this example, Usher may still be blended on the same hero twice, but that hero cannot use “Destiny Wave” twice.
          • 300.7d This includes effects that copy other effects, such as Catalyst Controller [[Total Recall: Once during your turn, you may declare 1 Nocturnagem blend in your discard. Replace this effect with the effect of that blend for the remainder of your turn]]. If Catalyst Controller were to copy Usher, it would not be able to use “Destiny Wave” if that hero had already used that effect previously during the turn.
        300.8 You may use any number of hero effects during your turn, in any order.
          • 300.8a Unless stated, there is no cost to use a hero effect.
          • 300.8b Not all hero effects are optional (see 500).

        301. Gem cards

        301.1 Gems begin the game in the main deck.
          • 301.1a A deck may include any number of basic gems.
          • 301.1b Among other differentiators, gem cards are designated by a “G” in the bottom left-hand corner
        301.2 Once during your turn, you may equip one hero on your field with one gem from your hand. This is known as your “allotted gem.”
          • 301.2a Only one hero per turn can be equipped this way.
          • 301.2b Some effects will allow you to play additional gems during your turn, which do not count as your allotted gem, and may be placed on any hero.
        301.3 Once a hero is equipped with a gem, the gem cannot be discarded or
        moved from that hero except by card effect or substituting the hero (see 621).
        301.4 A hero may be equipped with any number of gems.
          • 301.4a A hero may be equipped with more gems than its LV.
          • 301.4b A hero may be equipped with more gems than required for the blend it’s using.
          • 301.4c A hero may be equipped with multiple gems of the same type.
        301.5 Gems have a type, name, and sub-type. The type of gem is designated by the symbol, color, and name on the card, while the sub-type of the gem is “basic gem.”
          • 301.5a To indicate gem type, blends use gem symbols in their gem requirements, and use gem names in their effect text.

        302. Blend cards

        302.1 Blends begin the game as part of the main deck.
          • 302.1a You may not have more than 3 copies of any one blend in your deck.
          • 302.1b Among other differentiators, blend cards are designated by a “B” in the upper left-hand corner.
        302.2 Blends have a name, gem requirement, attack stat number (ATK), defense stat number (DEF), effect, and effect name. A blend’s level (LV) is equal to the number of gems in its gem requirement.
          • 302.2a For example, Usher uses 2 gems, therefore it is a LV.2 blend.
        302.3 As often as you like during your turn, you may play blend cards from your hand onto your heroes that meet the below requirements. This is also called “blending” (see 609).
        Blending requirements:
        ● The hero must be unblended
        ● The hero must be equipped with the gems indicated on the blend card
        ● The hero must have a LV equal or greater than the blend LV
          • 302.3a For example, you can play a LV.5 blend onto a LV.5 hero, but not a LV.4 hero. You may play a LV.4 blend on both a LV.5 hero and a LV.4 hero, but not a LV.3 hero. Etc.
          • 302.3b You may play a blend onto a hero even if it has more gems than required.
          • 302.3c While you may play the same blend multiple times on the same hero, it will not refresh the amount of times you can use the blend’s effect (see 300.7).
          • 302.3d Heroes may use effects and attack with blends the same turn that they are blended.
        302.5 As often as you like during your turn, you may discard blends from your
        heroes (this is called deblending) and put them into your discard pile (see 609).
          • 302.5a When deblending, only the blend will be discarded, not the hero or the gems attached to it.
          • 302.5b If a hero is blended, you will have to deblend it before playing another blend on that hero.
          • 302.5c Deblending counts as discarding a blend from the field, and vice versa.
        302.6 If at any point a hero no longer has the gems that are required by the
        blend, that hero is deblended immediately.
          • 302.6a If a hero must be deblended in this way, it must occur immediately, before any effects resolve (see 501.2d).
          • 302.6b A blend that causes itself to deblend in this way will still resolve its effect, even if it is no longer on the field.
        302.7 A hero’s LV may change without causing it to deblend.
          • 302.7a The LV is only used in the act of blending, it is not a continuous requirement.
        302.8 While blended, a hero’s attack stat, defense stat, and effect are all
        replaced by the attack stat, defense stat, and effect of the blend. Heroes always maintain their name and level, even if the blend in use has a different level.
          • 302.8a For example, a LV.5 hero that is using a LV.2 blend (a blend that uses only two gems, like Usher) is still considered a LV.5 hero.
        302.9 Only blended heroes may deblend-to-block damage (see 610).

        303. Action cards

        303.1 Action cards begin the game as part of the main deck.
          • 303.1a You may not have more than 3 copies of any unique action in your deck.
          • 303.1b Among other differentiators, action cards are designated by an “A” in the lower left-hand corner
        303.2 Some action cards have stars — a deck may not have more than 5 total stars among all the action cards.
          • 303.2a For example, a deck may have three 1-star actions and one 2-star action for a total of 5 stars.
          • 303.2b An action that has no stars is also called a 0-star action. A deck may have any number of 0-star actions, provided there are no more than 3 copies of each.
          • 303.2c A deck may have fewer than 5 stars.
        303.3 To play an action, your action meter must have fewer than 5 cards in it.
        Place the action into the action meter face-up and then apply its effect (see 401).
          • 303.3a The action has no further effect after being played. You don’t continue to use the action on subsequent turns.
          • 303.3b You cannot play any more action cards if your action meter has 5 cards.
          • 303.3c Actions that may be played at other times are bookmarked with the “timed action” hourglass icon (see 623). These actions are functionally the same as other actions, however they specify when they can be played in their text.
        303.4 Action cards cannot be discarded from the action meter until the end of the round (see 206.3).

        303.5 Actions in the action meter are not in your discard.

        4. Zones

        400. Field

        400.1 The field includes all heroes, gems equipped to heroes, and blends being used by heroes.
          • 400.1a The action meter, hand, deck, discard, bench, and cards “attached” to heroes (see 406) are not considered to be on the field.
        400.2 Each player’s field is made up of their own 4 heroes and associated cards, while the term “the field” is construed to mean all players’ fields collectively.
        400.3 Each player’s field contains 4 positions — left, center, right, and back position.
          • 400.3a Left, center, and right positions are collectively known as the “frontline.”
          • 400.3b Heroes begin the game in these positions and will never leave the field except by substitution (see 621).
          • 400.3c Heroes may not move positions unless directed by a card effect.
          • 400.3d Each hero can only occupy one position, and each position can only have one hero.
        400.4 Each player’s field will mirror their opponent’s field, causing each hero to have an “opposite position hero.”
          • 400.4a The opposite position hero to your right position hero is your opponent’s left position hero, opposite your center is their center, and opposite your left is their right.
          • 400.4b Back position heroes do not have opposite position heroes.
        400.5 When moving positions, a hero will take all equipped, attached, and blended cards with it to the new position (see 612).
        400.6 Because the heroes are in a “diamond” formation, they can be described in relation to a point in the middle of the diamond (like a compass). Some cards will use this relationship, for example Rotate [[Rotate your heroes clockwise or counterclockwise (move each hero 1 position in that direction).]] Using this effect, you rotate your heroes clockwise or counterclockwise around the diamond - each hero will move into the next position along the compass.

        401. Action Meter

        401.1 The action meter is a zone, typically to the left side of each player’s field.
          • 401.1a The action meter is not considered to be on the field.
        401.2 To play an action into the action meter, the action meter must have fewer than 5 cards in it.
          • 401.2a Actions are placed face-up into the action meter.
        401.3 Cards may not be removed from the action meter unless directed by a card effect or at the end of a round.
          • 401.3a Between rounds, the action meters are cleared by moving all cards in them to their respective player’s discard (see 206.3).
        401.4 After being played into the action meter, action cards have no further effect.
        401.5 Each action should be layered vertically in order to give an accurate account of the number of actions played by each player.
          • 401.5a Players cannot hide the cards in their action meter.

        402. Hand

        402.1 When drawing a card from the deck, the card will go into a player’s hand. Each player starts with 7 cards in their hand (see 200.5).
        402.2 A player’s hand is revealed to themself but not to opponents.
        402.3 There is no maximum hand size.
        402.4 Unless stated otherwise, players may only play cards from their hand.
          • 402.4a To play gems, actions, and blends, they must be in your hand.
        402.5 The number of cards in each player’s hand is public information.
          • 402.5a When asked, a player must disclose the number of cards in their hand.
          • 402.5b The order of cards in a player’s hand may be altered and is not public information.

        403. Deck

        403.1 A player’s deck has its own zone, typically on the right side of the field below their discard zone.
        403.2 All 50 cards of the deck begin the game shuffled and in a face-down stack. Players cannot see the contents of their opponent’s deck before the game.
          • 403.2a Players may not shuffle the deck unless as part of resolving a search effect. All search effects require the player to shuffle afterwards (see 619).
          • 403.2b Players may not look at the contents of their deck during the game.
        403.3 When a player tries to draw from an empty deck, 15 damage is inflicted to their HP instead (see 618).
          • 403.3a Cards may not be re-shuffled into a deck unless directed by a card effect.
          • 403.3b This damage is not inflicted by any player, but it does count as non-attack damage.
        403.4 The number of cards in each player’s deck is public information.
          • 403.4a When asked, a player must count and disclose the number of cards in their deck (without changing their order).

        404. Discard

        404.1 The discard zone should be located above the deck zone.
        404.2 Discarded and deblended cards go face-up into the discard, as well as actions when they are cleared from the action meter.
          • 404.2a Heroes should never be in the discard.
        404.3 Cards may not be discarded from your hand, field, or action meter except by a card effect or deblending.
          • 404.3a Heroes are never discarded.
          • 404.3b You may blend and deblend as often as you like during your turn.
        404.4 The discard may have any number of cards.
        404.5 The discard is a public zone, and any player may look at the cards in any player’s discard.

        405. The Bench

        405.1 The bench is a zone that should be handy and visible, but does not need to be a prominent part of the setup, so long as the zone is obvious and in view of all players.
        405.2 The bench consists of up to 4 heroes that are visible to their owner but not their opponent. (They are kept in a face-down stack.)
          • 405.2a You may not have more than one copy of a hero among all 8 heroes.
        405.3 The number of heroes a player has in their bench is public information and must be disclosed when asked about.
          • 405.3a The heroes on the bench are not public information until they are substituted into play.
        405.4 When substituting a hero from the field with a hero from the bench, any blend on the outgoing hero is discarded, and any gems on the outgoing hero are moved to the incoming hero.
          • 405.4a This transfer of gems will not trigger any effects.
          • 405.4b Heroes can not use first turn effects if it is not the first turn of the game.

        406. Attached Cards

        406.1 “Attach” is a keyword found on some blend card effects. Attached cards become part of the blend, and are not considered to be on the field.
          • 406.1a Attached cards are placed horizontally, face-up under a hero.
          • 406.1b Cards may not be attached except by hero effects.
          • 406.1c Attached cards are not considered equipped or blended.
        406.2 If the hero loses the ability that originally attached the card to it, the attached card is immediately discarded (see 604).

        5. Advanced Concepts

        500. Hero Effects

        500.1 A hero effect refers to both the effect written on the hero card as well as the effect the hero gains from any blend it is using (the hero loses its original effect while blended).
          • 500.1a A player may use any number of hero effects during their turn.
          • 500.1b Unless stated otherwise, there is no requirement to use a hero effect.
        500.2 If a hero effect has an activation gem symbol, this means it must have at least 1 gem in order to use its effect (see 600).
          • 500.2a The hero is still considered to have an effect even if the hero can’t use it.
          • 500.2b It can be a gem of any type.
        500.3 Effects with the same name that are limited to once per turn cannot be used twice by the same hero, even if the effects are coming from different cards (see 300.7).
        500.4 “Using” an effect only applies to effects that are optional, meaning the player must declare that they are using the effect.
          • 500.4a Some effects are not optional, and are always passively active, meaning the player does not “use” the effect — rather the effect is always active.
          • 500.4b An example of an effect that is “used” is Carter [[Spoiled: Once during your first turn, you may draw 1 card.]].
          • 500.4c Examples of effects that are not considered “used” are Hail Dominator [[Vantage Point: While in center position, this hero gains +3 attack.]] or Slip Knotter [[Walk the Dog: Every time an opponent plays a blend, inflict 2 damage to their HP.]].
        500.5 Effects that must be used at certain times must be used before play can resume, and can be used even if it’s not your turn (see 501).
          • 500.5a For example Electron [[Orbit: Once during an opponent’s turn, when they play a blend, you may switch the position of this hero.]].
        500.6 Effects that specify a duration of time will continue to apply even if the original effect is no longer present.
          • 500.6a Conversely, effects that don’t specify a duration will no longer apply when the effect is no longer present.
          • 500.6b An example of duration is Diamond Driller [[Power Drill: Once during your turn, when you rotate your heroes, this hero gains +3 attack for the remainder of your turn.]].
          • 500.6c An example of non-duration is Elaine [[Expensive Earrings: While in left position, this hero gains +2 attack. While in right position, this hero gains +2 defense.]].
        500.7 If an effect that “attaches” a card ceases to be active, the attached card is immediately discarded (see 604).

        501. Effect Sequencing

        501.1 During a player’s play phase, they may play cards, use effects, and make an attack, in any order.
        501.2 Cards, effects, and attacks may not be interrupted by other cards or card effects unless specifically stated.
        501.3 When a card states the time it may be used, it must be used immediately.
          • 501.3a For example, GULL [[Dive Bomb: Once during your turn, when you inflict non-attack damage to an opponent's HP, you may inflict 2 additional damage to their HP.]] – you may not play cards or use effects between inflicting non-attack damage and using GULL’s effect.
          • 501.3b For example, HORIZON GAZER [[Prelude of Light: While in back position, every time you discard a basic gem from your hand, you may return it to your hand. This hero cannot return more than 7 gems in this way per turn.]] means if you use Kula [[Scavenge: Once during your turn, you may discard 1 gem from your hand and then search your deck for a 0-star action.]] you must return the gem to your hand before you search your deck for an action.
          • 501.3c When a blend’s gem requirements are no longer met, it is discarded from the hero immediately, before the effect can resolve. If a card causes itself to be discarded this way, its effect will still resolve.
          • 501.3d When a hero with an attached card loses the ability that attached the card, the attached card is discarded immediately (see 604).
        501.4 If two or more effects can be used at the same time, the active player resolves their own effects first, in any order, before the non-active player resolves their effects, in any order.
          • 501.4a If one of these effects causes an additional effect to become available for use, that effect must resolve before the remaining effects.
        501.5 Effects on the field that occur when a card is played from another zone must resolve before the played card is considered to be on the field.
          • 501.5a For example, when a blend is played on Beatrice [[Plotting: Every time you blend this hero, inflict damage to your HP equal to the level of that blend (this effect resolves before the blend becomes active).]], you will lose life before that blend is considered to be on the field.

        6. Key Terms and Definitions

        600. Activation Gem

        600.1 A symbol found on heroes, indicating that the hero must have one gem (of any type) before the given stat or effect can be used.

          • 600.1a The gem does not have to be played that turn, and does not have to be discarded — as long as the hero is equipped, that stat or effect is “activated” and can be used in perpetuity.

        601. Additional Attack

        601.1 A consecutive attack made after a declared attack (see 204.5).
          • 601.1a Players do not “declare” attacks again, however the attacker may opt to forgo their additional attacks after each attack has resolved.
        601.2 A defending player’s hero can only deblend-to-block one attack — it will not block all additional attacks.
          • 601.2a For example, a player may choose to deblend-to-block the additional attack and not the first attack.

        602. Allotted Gem

        602.1 The one gem you can play from your hand each turn.
        602.2 Some cards may allow you to play additional gems — these gems do not count as your allotted gem.

        603. Arrange

        603.1 A type of hero movement that involves 2-4 heroes on a player’s field. Each hero can move into any position.
          • 603.1a When a hero moves, all gems remain equipped, blends remain active (i.e. the entire hero stack moves together).
          • 603.1b Heroes may not move except by a card effect.

        604. Attach Effect

        604.1 A hero effect that uses the word “attach” in its text. Attached cards are played horizontally under a hero and are not considered to be on the field.
        604.2 If the hero loses the ability that is using the attachment, the attached card is immediately discarded.
          • 604.2a Attached cards are discarded if the blend that attached them is deblended, or if the hero loses its effect, for example from Stun [[Declare 1 hero on an opponent's frontline. Treat that hero as if it has no effect until your next turn.]].

        605. Attack/Defense Bonus

        605.1 A number value that refers to the additional attack or defense given to heroes through effects (as opposed to written attack/defense (see 624)).
          • 605.1a An attack/defense bonus will be written like this: “This hero gains +1 attack.”
          • 605.1b An attack/defense bonus may be negative and written like this: “An opponent's hero loses −2 defense.”
          • 605.1c An attack/defense negative bonus can reduce a stat to 0, but it cannot be lower than 0.

        606. ATK/DEF

        606.1 The short version of attack/defense, these stats are used to calculate damage during the attack phase.

        607. Attack Damage

        607.1 All damage inflicted to a player as a result of an attack.
          • 607.1a As opposed to non-attack damage (see 615).

        608. Blended Hero

        608.1 A hero that is using a blend.

        609. Blending/Deblending

        609.1 Playing a blend card onto a hero is called “blending.” Discarding a blend from a hero is called “deblending.”
          • 609.1a “Discarding a blend from a hero” and “deblending” can be used interchangeably. 609.1b Deblending does not cause a player to discard gems or heroes — only the blend card.

        610. Deblend-to-Block

        610.1 A term that refers to deblending a hero to block the attack damage that a player would receive from the opposite position hero.
          • 610.1a For each blended hero being attacked, their owner may choose to either accept the damage, or deblend their hero, (deblend-to-block). 610.1b You may not deblend to block with a hero that isn’t blended. 610.1c Only the blend card is discarded, not the gems or hero.

        611. Equip

        611.1 Any instance in which a hero gains a gem card from anywhere
          • 611.1a Invisible gems are not equipped or considered equipped (see 614).
        611.2 Once during your turn, you may equip a hero on your field with a gem from your hand.
          • 611.2a Other effects may allow you to equip heroes with additional gems during your turn.
        611.3 Once equipped, gems may not be moved (or re-equipped to other heroes) except by card effect.

        612. Hero Movement

        612.1 Any time a hero changes positions.
          • 612.1a Examples of hero movement include arranging, switching, and rotating.
          • 612.1b When a hero moves, all gems remain equipped, blends remain active, and hero, gems, and blend will travel together to the new position.
          • 612.1c Heroes may not move except by card effect.

        613. Hit Points (HP)

        613.1 The number value that determines how much damage a player can receive before losing the round.
        613.2 Any damage inflicted will reduce a player’s HP by that amount.
        613.3 Once a player reaches 0 HP, they lose the round immediately (see 206).
        613.4 Players may gain more HP than their starting HP.
          • 613.4a Players may gain HP through card effect.
        613.5 HP may not be lower than 0.

        614. Invisible Gem

        614.1 An invisible gem is a gem that is not represented by a gem card, and is usually given to heroes by card effect.
        614.2 Invisible gems have all the abilities of actual gems, and can be used for things like blending and activation gem requirements.
          • 614.2a If a hero loses an invisible gem that was required for the blend being used, the blend is immediately discarded.
        614.3 An invisible gem is not equipped, or considered to be equipped, and cannot be moved or discarded.
        614.4 An invisible gem cannot have its type changed.
          • 614.4a For example, Magnet [[Electromagnetic Field: While in back position, treat up to 2 Electrogems on each of your other heroes as any basic gem type, but only 1 type at a time.]] does not apply to invisible Electrogems.

        615. Non-Attack Damage

        615.1 All damage inflicted to a player outside of an attack, usually as a result of hero effects.
          • 615.1a As opposed to attack damage (see 607).

        616. Opposite Position Hero

        616.1 An opponent’s frontline hero that is directly across from your frontline hero.
          • 616.1a The opposite position hero to your right position hero is your opponent’s left position hero, opposite your center is their center, and opposite your left is their right.
          • 616.1b Back position heroes do not have opposite position heroes.

        617. Rotate

        617.1 A term for hero movement that moves each hero clockwise or counterclockwise around the diamond formation.
          • 617.1a For the clockwise example: center would move to right, right would move to back, back would move to left, and left would move to center.
          • 617.1b When a hero moves, all gems remain equipped, blends remain active, and hero, gems, and blend will travel together to the new position.
          • 617.1c Heroes may not move except by card effect.

        618. Decking Out

        618.1 When a player is instructed to draw a card but there are no cards left, 15 damage is inflicted to that player’s HP instead.
          • 618.1a This damage counts as non-attack damage, but does not count as damage received from any player.
          • 618.1b This includes drawing a card through effects as well as during the draw phase.

        619. Search

        619.1 Every time you search your deck, look through all the cards in your deck (without showing your opponent), choose the card you want, show the chosen card to your opponent, place that card into your hand, and then shuffle the deck and return it to the deck area.
        619.2 If a card effect says to search for more than one card, it only counts as searching the deck once.

        620. Starred Action/0-Star Action

        620.1 A starred action is an action with any number of stars. A 0-star action is any action that has no stars. A 1-star action has one star, etc.
        620.2 A deck may only have up to 5 stars among all cards. A deck may have any number of 0-star actions.

        621. Substitute

        621.1 Substituting is when you take a hero from the field and replace it with a hero from the bench.
          • 621.1a Heroes may be substituted by card effect or at the end of the round (see 206.3.)
        621.2 The exiting hero is deblended while being substituted.
        621.3 All gems from the exiting hero are transferred to the new hero.
          • 621.3a Transferring these gems does not count as “equipping” for purposes of card effects such as Virus [[Infect: While on your frontline, every time an opposite position hero is equipped with a gem, inflict 4 damage to that opponent's HP.]].

        622. Switch

        622.1 The most common form of movement, “switching” is when one hero trades positions with another hero.
          • 622.1a When a hero moves, all gems remain equipped, blends remain active, and hero, gems, and blend will travel together to the new position.
          • 622.1b Heroes may not move except by card effect.
          • 622.1c Only one hero may occupy a position at a time. Positions are never empty.
        622.2 Switching will often indicate one hero, but will involve two heroes to complete.
        622.3 After the move, both heroes are considered to have “switched” and “moved positions.”

        623. Timed Action Card

        623.1 An action that can only be played at a specific time indicated in its effect text. All timed actions are bookmarked with an hourglass icon.
        623.2 Timed action cards are the only action cards that can be played at times other than your normal play phase.
          • 623.2a The time it can be used is indicated on the card itself.
          • 623.2b Timed action cards may not be played if the stated time has not occurred.
          • 623.2c For example, Block Attack [[Play this card when you would receive attack damage from an opponent's hero: That damage becomes 0 and that hero may not attack for the remainder of the turn.]] can not be played if you are not receiving attack damage.
        623.3 For all other purposes, a Timed Action Card is treated like a regular action card.

        624. Written Attack or Defense

        624.1 The value of the attack (ATK) or defense (DEF) stat written on a hero or blend, not including any stat bonuses.
          • 624.1a Gaining attack or defense is also called an “attack bonus” or “defense bonus” (see 605).
          • 624.1b When calculating written attack or defense, do not apply any attack or defense bonuses.
          • 624.1c For example, Guard [[Protective Instincts: If this hero is the only blended hero on your field, it gains +1 defense.]] – its written defense is 4, and its defense bonus is +1. If you were to play Invert [[Play this card when you or an opponent declares an attack: Declare 1 hero on your field. Switch the written attack and defense of that hero for the remainder of the turn.]], the hero would only switch the written attack and defense, resulting in 4 attack and 1 defense (because of the defense bonus).

        625. Any basic gem type

        625.1 Gems that can be used as “any basic gem type, but only 1 type at a time.”
          • 625.1a For example, if you were using one of these gems as a Pyrogem in order to blend a blend that requires a Pyrogem, you cannot also use that gem as a Cryogem in order to get the bonus on Berg Inflicter [[Pack Ice: This hero gains +1 attack for each other hero on your field that has at least 1 Cryogem.]].
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