Get your boots on and find a partner, partner!
Thursday August 4th
Location: Cards2Go
1055 Washington Blvd.
Robbinsville Township NJ, 08691
First place Partners win an exclusive LGS playmat.
$20 Buy-in/Pair
4 Packs on entry
4 Packs to the Prize Pool/Pair
Winners of the Texas Two Step:
Tournament Photos:
Texas Two Step Rulebook
Brought to you by Caster Society
Feedback Contact:
● River of Time
● Boil Over
● Salem’s Witches
● New Year’s New Beginnings
● Real Tree in Eyesight
● Age = null (TTS Only)
● Beast of Busco (TTS Only)
● Dover Demon staring contest (TTS Only)
● RE: Start/End of turn effects
○ You and your Teammate START and END your turn at the same time, effects
resolve just like in Standard Format.
4TH Wall List:
● Same as Metazoo
● Exceptions (TTS)
○ Clothing for contracting ignored (shorts)
○ Clothing for benefits needs to be claimed (white clothes)
Set Up:
● Both teams start with 1500 Life Points.
● You and your Team Mate share the Spellbook Limit and Restrictions
○ Example:
■ 5 Smokey Spirits per team
● If teammate has potions you can’t have anti potions
■ Teammate can’t have Hateful Demise while You have Dark Spells
of 3 or higher Aura cost
● Teammates share four 4th wall items
● All Casters roll a d20, teams add rolls together, and the team with the highest
score goes first.
● Draw 7 Pages
○ All Casters get one free mulligan back to 7 Pages, then it goes down to 6,5,4, etc.
● The team that goes 1st does not bookmark on their 1st turn.
● After both Casters on a team are finished with their turn, they end their turn and the other team starts their turn.
● All Pages go to the respective owners Limbos, Cemeteries, and Graveyards, these zones are not shared.
● This continues until one team's life points are reduced to 0.
● Games are played in a best of 1 format
○ No sideboards
Modified Rules:
● You/Your means only the owner of the page, unless talking about life points.
○ You own/control everything that you Contract/Place
● Priority is 1:1, team A does action, team B can make one response, and vice versa.
● Active Caster means you and your teammate
● Each Caster means all four Casters
● Casters are attacked individually, but Life Points are shared.
● Teammates can defend one another's beasties and their teammate.
● Teammates can not attack one another's Beasties or each other.
● Teammates can not fatigue or use one another's Aura.
● Teammates can cast spells/potions on one another's beasties, unless it specifies
page you control.
● Teammates can place traps underneath one another's beasties, the owner of the trap must pay the contract cost.
● Status effects are inflicted on Casters and not the team as a whole
○ example) both Casters can be burned, both Casters can be poisoned(3)
Rules Index:
● Divine Covenant - add both teams Life Points together and divide by 2, all Casters draw 3 cards
● Alaskan Vortex - both opponents have a Beastie destroyed.
● Smokey Spirits - you can use this on your teammates pages, but you don't control them for the other effect.
● Wildfire - each caster, team’s would lose 40 LP each turn
● Guardian Angel - since you can target both casters, either teammate may respond by playing this page to a direct attack on lifepoints.
● Land Tax - You own everything you contract, it’s not shared by the team so only terra the target has contracted counts for Damage
● Everything else that’s in metazoo’s rules index:
^ Two Step Arena on TTS
Change Logs:
● Added land tax to rules index
● Added clarity of ownership under modified rules